Effervescent Electronica on Echoes February CD of the Month: Dieter Spears' Late Day Summer Breeze
Weekend listeners hear our February CD of the Month, Late Day Summer Breeze by Nashville filmmaker, artist, and bassist Dieter Spears. Echoes often tends to the melancholy and the minor key, especially in ambient music. But lately there have been some artists making a more exuberant, major key electronic sound. I’m thinking of Counter Melody by Maps, the Saul Stokes alias, Taiyo Rey on the albums Shattering Stimuli and Visitor, and Le Morte D’Abby’s In Those Days. Coming into that sound is Dieter Spears. He’s primarily a bassist but he’s something of a polymath and he has a computer that allows him to tap the world of electronic sounds. Last year he released the buoyant album, Get Up and now he’s put out Late Day Summer Breeze that follows up that sound with what I will call Effervescent Electronica. It just has a lot of fizz and it’s the February CD of the Month. Enjoy the sunshine on Echoes weekend stations.
Read John Diliberto’s review.
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