Vangelis 1943-2022: Echoes remembers& Michael Whelan takes us on an Imaginary Train
The great electronic artist, Vangelis, passed away last week. He won the first Oscar for an electronic film score for Chariots of Fire, created the dystopian score to Blade Runner, charted a course through electro-orchestral space for over 50 years. We remember Vangelis on Echoes from PRX.
See our list of 10 Vangelis Albums to Open the Star Gates.
Some weekend listeners will also hear electronic artist Michael Whalen. He grew up on the new sounds of 70s and 80s European electronic music like Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Vangelis and Kraftwerk. He pays tribute to his roots on a new album called Imaginary Trains. It was Echoes May 2022 CD of the Month. Michael Whalen talks about his homage on from PRX.
Read John Diliberto’s review of Imaginary Trains.