Minor Victories Cogs (Orchestral Version) Video

Minor Victories Go Orchestral


Minor Victories has just released the orchestral version of “Cogs” in preparation for the release of an interpretation of their debut album titled Orchestral Variations. The band is something of an Alt-supergroup with vocalist Rachel Goswell (Slowdive), guitarists Stuart Braithwaite (Mogwai) and Justin Lockey (Editors).  The orchestral “Cogs” is a though provoking movement that strips away driving beats and poppy vocals to allow for moments of silence to slip through elegant orchestral melodies. Stripped to the basic musical elements, Minor Victories‘ inhuman imagery reflects the effect of heat-of-the-moment actions on our conscious. Keep the cogs in your mind turning in preparation for the release of Minor Victories debut album Orchestral Variations, out on Black Friday from Fat Possum Records and Play it Again Sam.


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