Hear new music from Azam Ali & Loga R. Torkian tonight on Echoes
Azam Ali & Loga R. Torkian, both play in the Persian Electronica band Niyaz, but you may also remember them from Ali’s group, Vas, and Torkian’s band, Axiom of Choice. They’ve just released a new CD called Lamentation of Swans: A Journey Toward Silence that takes a more contemplative approach to their music. We’ll also hear new music by Roger Eno. The pianist and one of the earliest Ambient Chamber
Music composers teams up with Plumbline, an English electronic band on the album Endless City/Concrete Jungle.
Here’s a beautifully produced video of Azam Ali & Loga R. Torkain’s for “Oceans” that puts together a smorgasbord of New Age mysticism. The woman in the video is not Azam Ali.
John Diliberto (((echoes)))
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See Roger Eno’s series of micro-installations available online, daily. Tune in and zone out for just 40 seconds of zen daily. http://norwichartscentre.co.uk/st-swithuns/