The People’s List Top 200 Albums from the First 15 Years of Pitchfork
Pitchfork has put their imprimatur on the best albums of the last 15 years. So many curious things about this list. Only about 10 of the artists are musicians we’ve played on Echoes, which on one hand, doesn’t mean much but on the other, No MOBY? Come on. I’d expect Pitchfork readers to ignore artists like Patrick O’Hearn, Steve Roach, and Todd Boston, but how can you put in Air and not have Mob
y who released all his best albums in this
era, including Play, albums that probably influenced half the people on this list. And while I really like Radiohead, I think this may seal their fate as the most over-rated modern rock band. The number 1 & 2 albums? Three in the top Ten. Five overall, and collectively they got 25%of the votes. I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of consensus since The Beatles in the 1960s. Except for Kanye West, who also placed five CDs.
On the other had., it’s nice to see Air, Sigur Ros, Postal Service, Massive Attack, M83, Mogwai, Boards of Canada get some acknowledgement.
Also, what does it say that only 12% of the voters identified themselves as female? That they don’t really like modern rock or they’re too smart to give a shit about polls like this?
Of course, being Pitchfork, you wouldn’t expect much in the way of jazz, world music, R&B of new classical in it, and you don’t. It’s pointless to argue with a poll like this, and I can’t say that most of the albums aren’t of some merit. But it definitely would not have been my list.
Did anyone else vote in this poll? They got nearly 28,000 voters and while that’s small, for this kind of poll it’s a pretty significant sample size. See for yourself: The People’s List Top 200 Albums from the First 15 Years of Pitchfork
~© 2012 John Diliberto ((( echoes )))