The Listeners Have Spoken with their
The results are in from our 20th Anniversary Listener Poll and we’ve got your 20 favorite Echoes artists for 20 years of Echoes.

Brian Eno #1 Icon of Echoes
The list skews heavily towards older acts. Of the 20 artists, only four began recording during the Echoes years. Moby and Mark Dwane launched their first recordings the same year that Echoes took off. Afro Celt Sound System was a defining sound of Echoes at the turn of the millennium. Ulrich Schnauss is the only true modern artist on the list. Ten of the artists began in the 1980s and the remaining six began in the 1970s, or in the case of Tangerine Dream, the 1960s. Brian Eno, always present it seems, neatly bookends the list in that Harold Budd at #20 came to international prominence collaborating with Eno, and Eno himself tops the list. Electronic music is well-represented. In addition to Eno, there’s Steve Roach right behind him at #2, Patrick O’Hearn at #3, Tangerine Dream at #4 followed down the list by Moby, Vangelis, Robert Rich, Mark Dwane, David Arkenstone and Ulrich Schnauss. Windham Hill effectively stands in for acoustic and solo guitar music in general with entries from founder Will Ackerman as well as George Winston and Michael Hedges. Lisa Gerrard actually makes the list twice: as a member of Dead Can Dance at #10 and as a solo artist at #17. Click here to see the complete list of 20 icons of Echoes. You can see my personal choices here.
Throughout the next few months we’ll be profiling the 20 icons of Echoes, beginning tonight 10/26 with Brian Eno.
John Diliberto ((( echoes )))
My utter fave moment of eno: