Tag: synthesizer

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015-Echoes Program 1552B

The English duo Anima is a band steeped in shamanic mysticism, psychedelic plants and electronic music. The duo of Ali Calderwood and Daniela Broder live on a farm off the grid in Scotland, making electronic music powered by solar cells. They’ve lived in the jungles of Indian tribes in the Amazon and partaken in their rituals which they turn into some of the most detailed electronic landscapes.

Wordless Echoes: Sci-Fi

The release of the new Star Wars movie is just the most prominent evidence of a fertile environment for Science Fiction on TV and int he movies. In this Wordless Echoes, we explore the sounds of Sci-Fi, including a few soundtracks, music inspired by movies and literature, and original compositions exploring that interface of science and fantasy.