We take a deep dive into the world of Steve Roach. The prolific electronic artist released several albums in 2019, including Bloom Ascension and Trance Archeology.
All India Radio’s Martin Kennedy talks about the progressive space rock and his December CD of the Month, Eternal and Echoes goes to the Grammys. It’s not all Lizzo and Rap.
Tangerine Dream’s Thorsten Quaeschning releases The Munich Session. We go back to 1981 for John Foxx’s The Garden and Mark Dwane returns to 1988 to revisit his debut with Martian Apparitions.
Guitarist Lawson Rollins continues his Nuevo Flamenco ways on his album True North. And Aquiver takes us into the down-tempo dub typical of a musician from the Desert Dwellers circle.
One half of the band, Air, Nicolas Godin, has a new album of retro electro-pop out called Concrete and Glass. We’ll hear that and a duo called Dreaming of Ghosts, with Robot Koch and Fiora.
Eve Maret brings her synthesizers and voice to perform the music of her debut album, No More Running, live. Maret is a resolutely electronic artist, influenced by ’70s and ’80s electropop.
All India Radio’s Martin Kennedy talks about the progressive rock and electronic influences of his latest albums, including Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, Pulsar and more.
This weekend on Echoes, Steve Roach takes us inside the circuitry and tribal sounds of his music. Then Azam Ali of Niyaz, removes the veil of her exotic electronic songs on Phantoms.
It’s chilled ambiences from Iceland, the land of chill, when Hugar come in to play live. The duo unfolds the deep moods and frozen landscapes of their CD of the Month in an intimate and subtle performance.