Tag: space

Sun Ra Arkestra Halloween

It seems like an annual ritual in Philadelphia; the descent of the Sun Ra Arkestra on Halloween. This year, it took place in the cramped, balcony wrapped confines of Philadelphia’s Johnny Brenda’s in a show produced by the Ars Nova Workshop. Led by 91 year old Marshall Allen, the band brought the joy.

Ten Sun Ra Albums to Blow Your Mind

Sun Ra

Calling Planet Earth: Sun Ra, the Original Space Musician: Upon hearing Sun Ra’s “Constellation” in a Downbeat Magazine blindfold test Brian Eno said, “I wish I had done it myself. I’m extremely envious that somebody else did it. I’d give that five [stars] actually.” Guitarist Syd Barrett reputedly blew his mind to The Heliocentric Worlds…

Erik Wøllo’s Timelines

  It’s a cliché, I know, but as soon as an Erik Wøllo album starts, you know you are on a journey.  It’s like the moments before take-off, only Wøllo’s ascent doesn’t throw you back in your seat with G-Force thrust.  It’s a gentle rise into euphoric space. Timelines is a beautifully sculpted example of…

Tonight Sky’s Jason Holstrom in Echoes Podcast

Hear About Beach Boys, Ukuleles and Space Music with Tonight Sky in the Echoes Podcast. Jason Holstrom has been on the Seattle music since the turn of the millennium playing in groups like Wonderful and United States of Electronica. But none of that music would prepare you for the serenely feel good vibrations of his…

Surf’s Up with Tonight Sky

Jason Holstrom has been on the Seattle music since the turn of the millennium playing in groups like Wonderful and United States of Electronica. But none of that music would prepare you for the serenely feel good vibrations of his project,Tonight Sky.  He’s taken Beach Boys harmonies and sent them into electronica space.  In Seattle,…