Tag: Space Music

Echoes Top 25 for April

Lyla Foy Mirrors the Sky

Dream-pop Dominates Echoes Top Ten in April The year is 25% done and here’s some of the music that’s been bubbling to the top of the Echoes playlists during April.  Of course, Lyla Foy’s April CD of the Month, Mirrors the Sky is number one and deservedly so.  Look for live performances and interviews with Foy…

From the 80s to Infinity

Did you miss out on the 1980s? A band called The Big Bright has a CD of covers from the new wave decade called I Slept Thru the 80s. We’ll hear a surprisingly mellow Duran Duran track from that.  But if you want to stay in the 21st century, get ready for new music from…

Natalie Merchant Giving Up Everything Video

Natalie Merchant Returns with Self-Titled Album and Haunting Video Natalie Merchant releases her first album of all original music this May.  Ahead of that, she’s released a simple, but powerful video for the best song on the album, “Gving Up Everything.”   John Diliberto (((echoes))) No Echoes station in your area.  You can hear it…

Steve Roach in Echoes Podcast

Steve Roach Contemplates the Contemplation of Structures from Silence in Echoes Podcast Over the last 25 years, Steve Roach has been one of the signature artists of Echoes.  He wrote our original theme music in 1989 and he was voted one of 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.  I’ve known Roach since 1983 when…

30 Years of Stillness with Steve Roach

Steve Roach’s Structures From Silence Turns 30 Steve Roach has been one of the signature artists of Echoes.  He wrote our original theme music in 1989 and he was voted one of 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.  I’ve known Roach since 1983 when I visited his small bungalow in Culver City near Los…

Circadian Rhythms-Ambient Songs

Today on Echoes new music from S. Carey & Erothyme Coming up on Echoes, we’ll hear music from S. Carey’s Range of Light.  Carey is the drummer and backing singer for Bon Iver and while he shares Justin Vernon’s vocal timbre he has his own atmospheric approach to the singer-songwriter paradigm.  We’ll also fall into…

Japanese Spaces-Arizona Skies

Today on Echoes it’s new music from Hiroki Okano and Steve Roach Hiroki Okano was initiated as a Buddhist monk, but he decided to take a different path.  Throughout the 1990s, Okano made beautiful , delicately etched albums like Enn , Hearing There and Rainbow Over the Gypsy Hill, some of them on the late-lamented…

Sci-Fi Echoes: 10 Great Sci-Fi CDs

 Science Fiction Music Through the Ages Today on Echoes, it’s a trip into the world of science fiction.  Sci-Fi literature and movies have always had an impact on a certain breed of musicians, usually the ones who were a bit tripped out and cerebral.  You’d have trouble pinning down the first Sci-Fi music.  Was it…

Echoes March CD of the Month: Mark McGuire’s Along the Way

Mark McGuire Creates 21st Century Progressive Rock Opus for Echoes CD of the Month Old fans of progressive rock and space music might be forgiven if listening to Mark McGuire’s Along the Way takes them back to about 1975, calling up music like Ash Ra Tempel’s Inventions for Electric Guitar, Popol Vuh’s Seligpreisung or Can’s…

“Phaedra” at 40 in Echoes Podcast

Hear an Homage to Tangerine Dream’s Phaedra in the Echoes Podcast On February 20th, 1974, Tangerine Dream released the album that changed electronic music for the next 40 years.  It takes its name from Greek mythology and its sound from the imaginations of Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann and Christoph Franke, the three members of Tangerine…