Tag: singer-songwriter

Friday, July 1st, 2016-Echoes Program 1626E

The spirit of Abbess Hildegard von Bingen emerges in the music of Julianna Barwick on her new album of 21st century chants called “Will.” We’ll also hear a new collaboration with flutist Sherry Finzer, guitarist Darin Mahoney and percussionist Will Clipman.

Echoes Top 25 for June 2016

In Echoes Top 25 for June, Aukai’s debut recording leads the way. It was also the Echoes CD of the Month. He’s followed by SHEL – Just Crazy Enough, Emmy the Great – Second Love, and Haroula Rose’s Here the Blue River. See the complete list.

The Best of 2016…So Far

Miranda Lee Richards-Echoes O fThe Dreamtime

At the half-way point of the year, we pick the albums that excited us the most thus far in 2016. Miranda Lee Richard’s “Echoes of the Dreamtime” tops the list of 25, followed by All India Radio, Hammock, Radiohead and more.

Wednesday, June 15th, 2016-Echoes Program 1624C

Brooke Waggoner

Aidan Knight cites Combat Rock by The Clash as one of his biggest influences, but you may not hear that in his music. The Canadian singer-songwriter has a much more introspective sound that tends toward slow tempos and atmospheric moods with an array of instrumental styles from humming and strumming guitar to more orchestral arrangements.

Weekend, June 11 & 12, 2016-Echoes Program 1623A

Singer-songwriter Haroula Rose’s Here the Blue River is an album of poetic beauty, both in the lyrics and the music. Its title is from a Ralph Waldo Emerson poem, and it leads to the water imagery that dominates the metaphorical language of the album.