Tag: Progressive Rock

It’s Progressive Rock All Over Again

This weekend I’ll be guesting on Highs in the 70s: Progressive Rock on WXPN in Philadelphia .  It’s among a series of irregularly scheduled retro shows they run.  It’s going to be an 8-hour marathon, from 10AM til 6PM on Saturday, January 3. I’ll be in for the first half, Chuck Van Zyl from Star’s End…

Echo Location: Fernwood’s Americana World Chamber Music

http://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/www.xpn.org/podcasts/echoes/echoes20081008.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSA progressive rock guitar warrior unplugs when Djam Karet’s Gayle Ellett journeys to Fernwood. (You can hear an audio version of this blog with music.) In an era of computer generated music where even the most folky, downhome pop song is electronically manipulated, a band called Fernwood wants…


“There is no progress in Progressive Rock.” Those are words I heard over and over again during the recent NEARFest, The North East Art Rock Festival. Whether I spoke to bassist Patrick Djivas of the Italian rock group, PFM, Roger Triguaux, guitarist with Present or Paul Sears, drummer with The Muffins, they all had the…

November 2001 CD of the Month: Erik Wøllo

Erik Erik Wøllo’s music floats with the grace of a hawk, effortlessly riding air currents that are left painted and glistening in his wake. But what sounds effortless is actually deeply layered, intricately woven and composed with a poetic language. Sometimes Erik is acoustic, as on GUITAR NOVA, sometimes all electronic, like POLAR DRONES, but…