Christmas is effectively over but we hang on to the spirit with music to help you settle in for that other “long winter’s nap,” the one that happens after the presents are opened, the food is eaten and the wine is drunk.
Tag: New Age
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015-Echoes Program 1551C
Monday, December 21st, 2015-Echoes Program 1551A
Weekend, December 19 & 20 , 2015-Echoes Program 1550A
Wordless Echoes
Wordless Echoes: Sci-Fi
The release of the new Star Wars movie is just the most prominent evidence of a fertile environment for Science Fiction on TV and int he movies. In this Wordless Echoes, we explore the sounds of Sci-Fi, including a few soundtracks, music inspired by movies and literature, and original compositions exploring that interface of science and fantasy.