The Zone Music Awards honor electronic, ambient, new age and contemporary instrumental music. They just held their annual awards show in New Orleans. John Diliberto zones in on the winners.
Coming up on Echoes, it’s new music by Sohn, an English singer-songwriter living in Vienna and turning his songs into a rustic ambient sound on his new album, Rennen.
The 2017 Moog Innovation Award will be presented to Suzanne Ciani at Moogfest 2017, the annual music, art and technology festival in Durham, North Carolina. She’s profiled Monday, May 22 on Echoes
On a Slow Flow Echoes, deep electronic music by S1gns of L1fe and guitarist Chrys Bocast’s new space guitar project, Grand Transients. We spark the future tonight on Echoes.
Country Joe and the Fish’s debut, Electric Music for the Mind and Body, remains a defining artifacts of the psychedelic era. It turns 50 on May 11, still tripping after all these years.
On the next Echoes, celebrate the birthday of the creator of the original Dr. Who Theme, the late Delia Derbyshire. She’s a legend of electronic music.
From Western Australia comes Laliya, the duo of James and Melissa McGuire. Since 1995 they’ve been creating an acoustic based sound with electronic extensions like delays and loops to create a world fusion of the imagination.
Swedish electronic musicians Johann Agebjörn and Mikael Ögren take a trip to the Russian-Finish border and come back with an album of evocative tone poems, We Never Came to the White Sea.