Tag: New Age

Echoes Podcast: Bluetech’s Electrocalypse

Bluetech Interview: The Electrocaplyse is Coming https://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EchoesPodcast-Bluetech-2019.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIn the Echoes Podcast, we ride with the fifth horseman of the Electrocalypse, Bluetech. Bluetech is a longtime denizen of downtempo electronics and he’s just completed his four album series, The Four Horsemen of the Electrocalypse. He also pays tribute to 70s…

Echoes Podcast: Lena Natalia 21st Century Classical Music

Lena Natalia’s New Wave Neo-Classical Musichttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EchoesPodcast-LenaNatalia.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, we talk with ambient chamber music composer, Lena Natalia. Lena is classically trained, spent a lot of time in France and has emerged with a distinctive Neo-classical to ambient sound. Her album, Lonely Satellite was in Echoes Top…

Echoes Podcast: Jean-Michel Jarre Interview

Jean-Michel Jarre in Echoes Podcasthttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EchoesPodcast-JeanMichelJarre2019.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast,  we head into Infinity with Jean-Michel Jarre. The iconic French electronic artist talks about his latest album, Equinoxe Infinity, which references his second album from 40 years ago. We bring Jean-Michel Jarre talking about electronic evolution on Echoes. Read CD…