The June CD of the Month ia Eight Fragments of an Illusion by Ulrich Schnauss and Jonas Munk. Schnauss is a member of Tangerine Dream. Munk records shoegaze influenced electronics as Manual.
Idiosyncratic folk-rocker Sufjan Stevens has a five volume set of deeply ambient compositions called Convocations. It’s partly a response to deaths in the family and the pandemic.
It’s just about the right time for a Mint Julep, not the drink or candy, but the dreampop duo of Keith and Hollie Kenniff. They have a new album, In a Deep and Dreamless Sleep.
New electronic pop from Decouplr, a pair of musicians from Philadelphia who are tapping a deep vein of soulful synthesis. We’ll also hear music from Scotland’s Moqwai.
New music from a pair of duos. We’ll hear Sweden’s Johan Agebjorn and Mikael Ogren with Artefact, and Bluetech and Steven Moore have a new downtempo collaboration, Liminal Migration.
On A Slow Flow Echoes, a space music epic by David Wright. The Lost Colony is a soundtrack for a graphic novel by Matt Howarth. We’ll also hear something by Comit from An Ocean of Thoughts.
The 23rd Icon, Norwegian guitarist Erik Wøllo. Since the mid-1990s he’s been sculpting celestial landscapes for guitar and synthesizer. We’ll hear a vintage live Echoes Performance.
The 21st Icon is Peter Gabriel. From Genesis, solo albums and the score to The Last Temptation of Christ, we’ll hear a suite of his music and the world music he’s nurtured on his Real World Music label.
New music by Mirabai Ceiba. This duo of Markus Sieber and Angelika Baumbach from Aukai started as a chant group but have evolved considerably on their new album, The Quiet Hour.
Leandrul creates beautiful electro-pop music with deep psychological implications. Psychosis of Dreams is not a metaphor. It’s about real trauma with mental health and recovery.