Arc, the duo of Ian Boddy and Mark Shreeve, played live on Echoes in 2009. With the passing of Mark Shreeve on August 31, we thought we’d share up close listen to his music.
Pioneering British electronic artist Mark Shreeve passes. A legend in underground synthesizer circles he recorded dozens of albums under his own name and with ARC and Redshift.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, a journey of sequencer-driven sounds by Colin Rayment from his album, Equilibrium. We’ll also hear Sherry Finzer and VeeRonna Ragone from their album, Mystic Breezes.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, new music by Robin Guthrie from the Cocteau Twins. It’s a EP of guitar ambiences called Mockingbird Love. We’ll also hear new music from Liminal Drifter.
New music by Dead Can Dance singer, Lisa Gerrard. She teams up with Italian-Argentinian composer Marcello De Francisi on a new album of ecstatic exoticism called Exaudia.
Ryan West records as Rival Consoles, a resolutely electronic project, but he still thinks of his chromium plated compositions as songs. He has a new album called Now Is.
It’s a trip into space with The Generator of All Infinity. That’s the latest album from All India Radio. It’s an all-instrumental space music opus that calls out to the spirit of Pink Floyd.
All India Radio pays homage to Pink Floyd and 70s space rock with a conceptual excursion to the beyond on The Generator of All Infinity. It’s Echoes September CD of the Month.
The guitar duo of Rodrigo Y Gabriela take of lot of pleasure in covering rock tunes. They’ve done everything from Metallica to Pink Floyd. Now they’ve taken on Radiohead’s Weird Fishes.