Pat Metheny talks about his latest release, one on which he barely plays guitar. It’s called Road to the Sun and features the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet and Jason Vieaux.
Start 2014 Off Right with a Reprise Broadcast of The Best of Echoes 2013 Listener Poll Results tonight 01/01/2014 What do you get when you take a contemporary avant-garde composer, psychedelic folkies, Indian sitarists and Japanese electronic musicians. Apparently you get the soundscape of Echoes or at least the music listeners thought was the best…
What do you get when you take a contemporary avant-garde composer, psychedelic folkies, Indian sitarists and Japanese electronic musicians. Apparently you get the soundscape of Echoes or at least the music listeners thought was the best aspect of that soundscape. Listeners have voted and today we’ll hear the results of the Best of Echoes 2013.…
Hear Ulrich Schnauss & Mark Peters Interview in the Echoes Podcast. It’s been an Ulrich Schnauss year here at Echoes. He had a CD of the Month in February this year with A Long Way to Fall and we interviewed him as well. Then he played live for us in early September and now he’s…
Hear Ulrich Schnauss & Mark Peters Interview Tonight on Echoes. It’s been an Ulrich Schnauss year here at Echoes. He had a CD of the Month in February this year with A Long Way to Fall and we interviewed him as well. Then he played live for us in early September and now he’s back…