David Arkenstone talks about his album, Winterlude. It’s a seasonal tone poem without Christmas carols and without sleigh bells. Join John Diliberto for this exclusive interview.
We lost the great cellist & ambient chamber music pioneer David Darling last year. But fellow cellist Hans Christian resurrected him in an album of virtual duets called Ocean Dreaming Ocean.
It has been a great year for new music and we’ll pick out our Top 30 best albums of 2023 on Echoes. You might want to see who is number one, but you will love who is 30.
Neo-Classical meets electronic space when John Diliberto talks to wind and piano player Jill Haley and electronic artist Deborah Martin. Their second collaboration is Into the Quiet.
There are many Christmas and seasonal albums out there, but David Arkenstone’s Winterlüde most perfectly captures the wonder of the season. It’s Echoes CD of the Month for December.
English electronic artist Ian Boddy comes in to play live. We also interview Brannan Lane, John Gregorius and Sean O’Bryan Smith. They have a new project called Emergence.
On a Black Friday, post-Thanksgiving mood, what you need is a Slow Flow Echoes. We’ve got music to chill you out with tracks from Taiyo Rey and Alannis Morrisette goes from angst to ambient.
Pull up a chair for an Echoes Acoustic Thanksgiving. On this day of gathering for food, family & friends we have a live performance by guitarist Tim Farrell, surrounded by a show of all acoustic music.
David Holmes is a longtime giant of electronic music and a prolific film composer. He teams up with singer Raven Violet to create a politically charged album, Blind on a Galloping Horse.