Todavia is a dream-pop band from Los Angeles that is channeling The Cocteau Twins. They have a new album, Orange Faint of Sky. We’ll also hear from singer Marya Stark off her album, Sapphire.
Ben Blackett plugs in computers instead of guitars to create dance floor trances and melodic contemplations. He talks about virtual synthesizers, choir samples, and his wife’s voice on Echoes.
Sufjan Stevens goes all electronic on an album of life ruminations called The Ascension, maybe his most darkly melodic album ever. Also going deep but more acoustic is Ane Brun.
Under Cover: We’ll hear songs you know by people who didn’t originally record them including new version of music by Roxy Music, Phil Collins, Cocteau Twins, The Beatles and Pink Floyd.
Amon Tobin, early pioneer of jazz driven electronic music, has returned after a four-year hiatus with new music and pseudonyms, including psychedelic persona Figueroa where he even sings.
Erik Wøllo & Michael Stearns talk about their debut collaboration, Convergence. Echoes September CD of the Month emerged from dreams, brain tumors and pandemic behind the release.
Down to the Moon, White Winds and Dancing with the Lion were classics of New Age. After 11 years, Andreas Vollenweider has returned with Echoes October CD of the Month, Quiet Places.
Ryan West records as Rival Consoles, a resolutely electronic project, but he still thinks of his chromium plated compositions as songs. He calls it “songwriting with an electronic palate.”
Music from Numün, a project with a member of the ambient guitar band, Suss. They’ve created an album inspired by the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.
The California Guitar Trio’s album, Elegy, was recorded in AirBnB living rooms pre-Covid. Shpongle’s Simon Posford spent his time in quarantine creating a pandemic lockdown soundtrack.