Echoes has gone through the hundreds of recordings that we’ve played and picked out the Top 30 albums for 2020, a horrible year in life, but a great year in music. We count-down the top 20.
Echoes remembers. 2020 has been a tough year and along the way, we lost many artists from the world of Echoes. We lament their loss and celebrate their music on Echoes In Memoriam.
It’s a time of giving so the Echoes CD of the Month is actually 2 CDs. Ane Brun’s After The Great Storm and How Beauty Holds the Hand of Sorrow are perfect albums for this time of reflection.
We’ll hear the latest recording by French guitarist Pierre Bensusan. He came up during the days of Windham Hill guitarists like Michael Hedges, who named a song after him. His latest album is Azwan.
Pianist Peter Kater goes Hawaiian. He taps traditional Hawaiian music and musicians and creates a lush landscape around them. We’ll also hear new music by the electronic artist Kayobe.
We hear from rock refugee Greg Lisher. He’s the guitarist in the bands Camper Van Beethoven and Monks of Doom, but his new album sounds more like Windham Hill meets Brian Eno.
Under Cover: We’ll hear songs you know by people who didn’t originally record them including new version of music by Roxy Music, Phil Collins, Cocteau Twins, The Beatles and Pink Floyd.
It’s a minimalist dervish when we hear the 5th Icon of Echoes, Philip Glass. We’ll hear a profile of this highly influential composer who inspired Tangerine Dream, David Bowie, Brian Eno & more.
Electronic pioneers Tangerine Dream are #3 of 30 Icons of Echoes. In a special two-hour show, we’ll hear the Echoes Tangerine Dream Documentary as well as music from across the band’s career.