Tag: dream pop

Guitar Splendor in Echoes Top 25

Erik Wøllo and Mark McGuire bring guitars back to Echoes Top 25 Erik Wøllo’s February CD of the Month, Timelines,  leads Echoes Top 25.  It’s a brilliant recording of layered guitar dreamscapes.  Following close behind is our soon-to-be March CD of the Month, Mark McGuire’s Progressive Rock epic, Along the Way.  You’ll be hearing more about…

Priscilla Ahn Live on Echoes.

Singer-songwriter Priscilla Ahn Plays Live on Echoes Tonight. Hear another child of Echoes tonight when Priscilla Ahn plays live.  The singer-songwriter grew up in Central Pennsylvania where she listened to Echoes on WITF in Harrisburg and WXPN in Philadelphia.  She’s in LA now where she has been crafting introspective personal songs like “Dream” from her…

From Oblivion to Euphoria in Echoes Top 25

Two Takes on Modern Guitar Lead Echoes Top 25 for January. You couldn’t get much different than the two guitar sounds at one & two in the Echoes Top 25.  You’ve got the ambient guitar orchestrations of Hammock’s Oblivion Hymns, the Echoes CD of the Month for January followed at number 2 by E4 (Instrumental) …

Pure Bathing Culture in Echoes Podcast

Portland’s Pure Bathing Culture Talks Art-Rock, Jazz and Dream-pop in the Echoes Podcast. Whatever you call them, don’t call them Dream Pop.   But if you do, you’ll hear a sound to which most dream pop bands could aspire with Pure Bathing Culture.  They are a duo of singer and keyboardist Sarah Versprille and guitarist Daniel Hindman…

2013 Rewind: Best of Echoes 2013 Listener Poll

Start 2014 Off Right with a Reprise Broadcast of The Best of Echoes 2013 Listener Poll Results tonight 01/01/2014 What do you get when you take a contemporary avant-garde composer, psychedelic folkies, Indian sitarists and Japanese electronic musicians.  Apparently you get the soundscape of Echoes or at least the music listeners thought was the best…

The Echoes Discovery of 2013: Mree

Hear Mree interviewed on Echoes tonight. Technically, Mree isn’t a new artist.  She released her debut album, Glow,  in 2011 when she was all of 17 years old.  But it’s her sophomore release, Winterwell, that revealed an artist of intoxicating depth and studio virtuosity.    Mree is not your typical singer song-writer.  Even though she started…

Best of Echoes 2013 Listener Poll

What do you get when you take a contemporary avant-garde composer, psychedelic folkies, Indian sitarists and Japanese electronic musicians.  Apparently you get the soundscape of Echoes or at least the music listeners thought was the best aspect of that soundscape.  Listeners have voted and today we’ll hear the results of the Best of Echoes 2013.…

An Echoes Celtic Sonic Seasonings

Christmas begins today with An Echoes Celtic Sonic Seasonings with Moya Brennan and Jeff Johnson, Brian Dunning and Wendy Goodwin I don’t know how Celtic music came to signify winter, but  slow aires and Celtic harps seem to exemplify a quieter and more atmospheric side of the Winter season.  We’ve dipped into that sound on…

25 Essential Echoes CDs for 2013

Some years are better than others and 2013 was much better than most.  Right now, you can Vote in the Best of Echoes 2013 Listener Poll.   But, this list is different.  This is compiled by the brain trust of Echoes.  These are the CDs we played on the show in 2013 that we thought represented…

12 Echoes CDs of the Month Tonight

WE LOOK BACK AT ECHOES CD OF THE MONTH PICKS FROM 2013 Every month on Echoes we pick out the CD of the Month. It’s the album we think best represents the sound of Echoes and simply, the best album in that sound.  This year has been a great one for CD of the Month …