We all watched TV during pandemic isolation, but Marissa Nadler got an album out of it. It’s called The Path of the Clouds of and it’s inspired by the Unsolved Mysteries TV show.
We all watched TV during pandemic isolation, but Marissa Nadler got an album out of it. It’s called The Path of the Clouds. And we’ll hear an All Pink Floyd show with Meddle at 50.
We all watched TV during pandemic isolation, but Marissa Nadler got an album out of it. It’s called The Path of the Clouds, and it’s inspired by the Unsolved Mysteries TV show.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, Explosions in the Sky have a new film score for the movie, Big Bend. We’ll also hear a new album from the electronic group The Great Northern called Nocturnes.
Echoes Top 25 for September 2021. Chronotope Project’s Gnosis, the September CD of the Month, is at the top, followed by Jef Stott, Immersion, and 22 other great CDs.
Fear is the mind killer. Musicians have been inspired by Frank Herbert’s “Dune” since it came out. On the heels of the new Dune movie, Echoes creates musical visions of “Dune.”
Weekend Listeners hear October’s CD of the Month, Shimmer by Kevin Keller. Hear that and an interview with Hybrid talking about their August CD of the Month.
If you need something to make you feel good in these endless Pandemic times, immerse yourself in this gorgeous song “If You Can Imagine” by Echo Us from their The Windsong Spires.
Summer’s over and Autumn has officially arrived, in an Echoes Autumnal Equinox Soundscape. We paint sound in Autumnal colors with George Winston, Fiona Joy Hawkins, Digitonal, and more.
Echoes Top 25 for August 2021. Hybrid’s Black Halo, the August CD of the Month, is at the top, followed by Eric Hilton, Tigerforest, and 22 other great CDs.