The Ambient Country band Suss struggles with loss and finds a way to be reborn. After co-founding member Gary Lieb died, they had to reevaluate not only their existence, but their sound.
Neo-Classical meets electronic space when John Diliberto talks to wind and piano player Jill Haley and electronic artist Deborah Martin. Their second collaboration is Into the Quiet.
The Ambient Country band Suss struggles with loss and finds a way to be reborn. After co-founding member Gary Lieb died, they had to reevaluate not only their existence, but their sound.
The Ambient Country band SUSS struggles with loss and finds a way to be reborn. After co-founding member Gary Lieb died, they had to reevaluate not only their existence, but their sound.
Penguin Cafe is a quirky, poignant and joyful ensemble that defines its own version of modern chamber music. Their new album, “Rain Before Seven” is Echoes August CD of the Month.
Amaara’s Child of Venus Tops the Echoes Top 25 for July, followed by BT, Balmorhea, Robert Rich, Sigur Rós, and 20 more great artists that make Echoes your go-to for chill and the new.
The Ambient Country band SUSS struggles with loss and finds a way to be reborn. After co-founding member Gary Lieb died, they had to reevaluate not only their existence, but their sound.
The August CD of the Month is Rain Before Seven by Penguin Café, the successor to The Penguin Café Orchestra launched in 1976 on Brian Eno’s Obscure Label. The music continues to be one-of-a-kind.