A song for the pandemic when we hear a lament from singer Mimi Page. It’s a haunting wordless hymn for these times. We’ll also hear from Robot Koch who has a new ambient chamber music album.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, music by Tom Caufield. This finger-style guitarist has released some of the most inventive guitar albums of the last decade. We’ll also hear from Olafur Arnalds.
Brian Eno is #1 of 30 Icons of Echoes. He has influenced our sonic landscape for nearly a half-century, from ambient to pop and beyond. It’s an all Eno show on Echoes including a profile.
Flashback 50 to David Bowie’s The Man Who Sold the World, released in November 1970. We’ll also hear from Loma’s Don’t Shy Away and Kevin Braheny Fortune’s Eclectic Electric Singles.
It’s Echoes Election Chill. It’s been a tumultuous time in America and this week one thing will come to a conclusion, or at least semi-conclusion. Tune out the news and chill with us on Echoes.
The Norwegian singer Ane Brun has been one of the understated sirens of dream pop. She talks about the loss and loneliness that informs much of her latest recordings.
Digitonal return with their third CD of the Month, Set the Weather Fair. Digitonal are avatars of ambient chamber music, mixing contemporary electronics with classical elegance and melodies.
This weekend on Echoes It’s the 50th Anniversary of Kraftwerk. The iconic German electronic band released their debut album in 1970. Then we’ll countdown the 30 Icons of Echoes.