If you caught Nils Frahm live in 2018 and 2019, you saw one of the most spectacular solo performances of the millennium. Now it’s been released as a live album, Tripping with Nils Frahm.
New music by Alex Maas, lead singer of the psychedelic band The Black Angels. He goes more pastoral on an album called Luca. We’ll also hear from Time Traveler, the new persona of Eleon.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, music that’s not so slow by Martin Gore from Depeche Mode from his album, The Third Chimpanzee. We’ll also hear electronic music by S1gns of L1fe from the album, Cymatic.
Two guitarists with expansive sounds: Carl Weingarten, from a new album of rustic chamber music, Ember Days, and Robert Jurjendal with a more ambient approach on Water Finds a Way.
The 12th Icon of Echoes, Moby. For the last 35 years, he’s had a varied career from techno to downtempo and beyond. We look back and profile this fascinating, sometimes controversial artist.
Our 10th Icon, Enya, created a revolutionary but serene sound with her heavily layered vocals, sung in Gaelic, Elven, Latin and Loxion. She’s influenced everything from New Age to Dream Pop.
Enya is the 10th Icon of Echoes. Her voice descends from the heavens in multiple layers. We look across her 34 year solo career and pick her 5 best recordings out of 8 proper album releases.
The many moods of Thievery Corporation. We talk with Eric Hilton, who has two ambient lounge albums out, and his Thievery partner, Rob Garza about a music born in dub and music sampling.
The Norwegian singer Ane Brun has been one of the understated sirens of dream pop. She talks about the loss and loneliness that informs much of her latest recordings.