Category: Reviews & Commentary

Sgt. Pepper’s Still Marching 40 Years Later

It was Forty Years Ago Today that Sgt. Pepper’s taught the band to play. Okay, how many articles on the 40th anniversary of the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band have used that line? I still have my original Sgt. Pepper’s LP, complete with the cardboard cutouts of sergeant’s stripes and moustaches. But that’s…


Every now and then you learn a lesson you expect to keep with you for life, but usually, you have to learn it again. Back in 1985 when Kimberly Haas and I were conducting interviews for our documentary series Totally Wired, we talked with Patrick O’Hearn at a rehearsal studio in Los Angeles. Patrick is…

Tibetan Kitchen Singing Bowls

It’s nice to know that in these days of high tech digital music, you can still create sound with something as simple as marbles and kitchen mixing bowls. That’s what Sxip Shirey has done in a fascinating video called Sxip Shirey Playing Bowls with Red Marbles. Think La Monte Young, Tibetan Singing Bowls and the…

Whither Celtic Music?

As I put together our Celtic Soundscape for St. Patrick’s Day, I was struck by the dearth of new Celtic music coming out. Now, let me be clear. There is still a vital Celtic music community with lots of discs being released. However, not too much of it is in the Echoes vein. It’s quite…