Category: Interview Podcast

The Mediaeval Baebes Modern Madrigals Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Mediaeval Baebes put the Goth into International Women’s Day on Echoes. You can hear a podcast of the Mediaeval Baebes interview with their music. Mediaeval Baebes have come a long way since the 16th century.  And the band called The Mediaeval Baebes have come even further  since…

Harold Budd & Clive Wright Interview Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Harold Budd & Clive Wright: Strangers in the Ambient Night You can get the Podcast of this interview with music here. Clive Wright and Harold Budd couldn’t be more different. Born in 1936, Harold Budd is elegant, and thoughtful. He looks like he just got off the…

Echo Location: Donna De Lory’s Pop Chants Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSDonna De Lory turns sacred mantras into ecstatic pop You can hear an audio version of this podcast with Donna De Lory’s music here. Up until last year, when she was pregnant with her second child, Donna De Lory had shaked, shimmied and sung back-up vocals on every…

Echo Location Podcast-Michael Whelan & Atomic Skunk Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSPodcast of Echo Location with Michael Whelan and Atomic Skunk Listen Here. I usually create blogs out of Echo Location features, but this week I reversed direction and created an Echo Location out of the blog posting: Michael Whalen & Atomic Skunk: Free Music that Doesn’t Stink Follow link…