We get High on Isra. That’s actually the name of a band out of Germany making an electronic pop. We’ll hear from their album, Sad Sad Sad. We’ll also hear from the California Guitar Trio.
Two women from the classical world go ambient with AvaWaves. Violinist Anna Phoebe and keyboardist Aisling Brouwer have crafted a haunting and unremittingly beautiful sound on their debut.
Llynks graduated from the Berklee School of Music, worked as a model, played music as Sara Kendall, then metamorphosed in Llynks, a dark, electronic pop project. She talks about it on Echoes.
The July CD of the Month is Game Trails by Aukai. Aukai is the world fusion group headed up by Marcus Sieber of the duo, Mirabai Ceiba. We also have an interview with Blue Landscapes.
It’s dreamy, downtempo music by JFDR, that’s an abbreviation of her more complicated Icelandic name. We’ll also hear electronic music by Spinger from the album, Invisible Tree.
On a Slow Flow Echoes it’s new music by Bruce Cockburn. The singer-songwriter has a new album of solo acoustic guitar pieces. We’ll also hear new electronic music by Nigel Mulaney.
Singer Channy Leanagh fell off a roof and broke her back, but that didn’t stop her from recording a great album with her group, Polica. We talk about the album When We Stay Alive.
Blue Landscapes, the duo of flutist Damjan Krajacic and pianist Robert Thies, talk about improvising impressionistic ambient chamber music with only acoustic instruments.
The July CD of the Month is Game Trails by Aukai. Aukai is the world fusion group headed up by Marcus Sieber of the duo, Mirabai Ceiba. Hear Aukai’s Game Trails tonight on Echoes.
Moby talks about his album, All Visible Objects with its themes of revolution, isolation and contemplation. Then we look at music in pandemic and unrest with The Best of Echoes 2020, So Far.