Coming up on a Slow Flow Echoes it’s new music by Bing & Ruth, the ambient chamber music group from New York and the latest from German electronic artist, Der Waldläufer tonight on Echoes.
On the next Echoes it’s Nordic Dreams. From Sigur Ros to Agnes Obel, Erik Wøllo to Ane Brun we’ll hear the sound coming out of Scandinavian musicians that seems to emerge from the other side of consciousness.
Coming up on Echoes, it’s new music by Sohn, an English singer-songwriter living in Vienna and turning his songs into a rustic ambient sound on his new album, Rennen.
Syrinx was an obscure Canadian band making an electronic space music a few years before Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze’s seminal works. They released two albums in 1970 and 1971 and then faded away. But now Syrinx has risen.
Maggie Koerner is a soul belter from Louisiana who has discovered a more contemplative and ambient side on her EP, Dig Down Deep, produced by another singer with an ambient sensibility Fin Greenall, better known as Fink.
On their seventh album, Silver Eye, the English duo, Goldfrapp tackle themes of musical and sexual transformation. They talk about their metaphysical and electronic journey on Echoes.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, deep electronic music by S1gns of L1fe and guitarist Chrys Bocast’s new space guitar project, Grand Transients. We spark the future tonight on Echoes.
As we continue our celebration of music from 1967, we come to a little curio with a great title, Electric Music for the Mind and Body. Sounds like something a Techno or Trance act should’ve used. But it was the sound created by these folkies turned psychedelic troubadours.
The ZMR Awards are voted on by radio broadcasters of New Age, electronic and ambient music across the country. The Awards take place in NOLA on May 13th. We survey the nominees on Echoes.