Violinist Christopher Tignor comes in with his electronic rig, a bass drum and chines and orchestrates a one-man ambient chamber music performance live on Echoes.
Category: Playlists
Monday, July 10th, 2017-Echoes Program 1728A
Lewis Scaife grew up on Hip-Hop, but when he started recording as Nym, he found a gentler, more trippy and surreal sound, mixing environmental samples and his own electronic sounds.
Weekend, July 8 & 9, 2017 – Echoes Program 1727A
Friday July 7th, 2017-Echoes Program 1727E
Thursday, July 6th, 2017-Echoes Program 1727D
Wednesday, July 5th, 2017-Echoes Program 1727C: Ron Boots in Concert
Tuesday, July 4, 2017-Echoes Program 1727B: July 4th with Jill Haley
Echoes American Landscapes, a soundscape for July 4th with a live performance by acclaimed oboist Jill Haley. She plays in the band One Alternative, and is one of Windham Hill founder Will Ackerman’s stable of first call musicians. Her latest album is National Park Soundscapes, which is just perfect for July 4th.