Month: February 2015

Fernwood Echoes February CD of the Month

If it wasn’t for Martin Mull’s 1970s TV series, Fernwood T2 Night, the name Fernwood would more instantly conjure up pastoral images of a backwoods town from a time gone by. The band called Fernwood does that, only their backwoods could be in Bangalore, Senegal or in the Appalachian hills. It’s not that the music…

Monday, February 2nd, 2015-Echoes Program 1505A

Gayle Ellett and Todd Montgomery are modern musicians purveying a backwoods Americana global music fusion. Arcadia is their second album of mostly acoustic ruminations orchestrated with everything from sitars and guitars to bouzoukis and dilruba in a global music of the imagination. It’s the Echoes CD of the Month for February. Monday February 2nd Echoes…