Brian Reitzell combines a vinyl junkies knowledge with a sound designers’ ear.
Hear his interview in the Echoes Podcast
In Hollywood films there are soundtrack composers and then there are music supervisors. The composer writes the underscores for films. Music supervisors sometimes work with the composer, but usually, they’re the people who pick the songs that go in a movie. But when those roles are combined some interesting things can happen. Take Brian Reitzel. He played drums in the punk group Red Kross and has his own synth-pop group called TV Eyes. But he’s becoming more well known for his film scores including 30 days of Night, Friday Night Lights and all of Sofia Coppola’s films including Lost in Translation. For the last two years he’s been scoring the TV drama Boss on the Starz network. The soundtrack for that show has just been released and it shows a composer with a different approach.
Brian Reitzell: I feel like I could pretty much score any movie with my record collection. I think guys like Stanley Kubrick and Quentin Tarantino, and a lot of people that use sourced music in a really good way, it’s just fantastic.
Hear a fascinating interview with Brian Retzell, including his story of a vinyl junkie’s dream, in the Echoes Podcast.
~John Diliberto ((( echoes )))
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