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FEATURES FOR THE WEEK Monday, April 26, 1999 DEBORAH HENSON-CONANT-CELTIC HARP Deborah Henson-Conant is best known for her jazz harp albums in the early 1990s, but in recent years, she's taken a turn towards more Celtic sounds. She has an electric blue electric harp that she slings around her waist like a guitar, spinning out improvisations on Celtic themes. Deborah Henson-Conant talks about her Celtic epiphany on Echoes. Tuesday, April 27, 1999 A LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH CAROLYN CRUSO Thursday, April 29, 1999 JAN GARBAREK'S IMPROVISED CHANTS Norwegian saxophonist Jan Garbarek recently put out two double albums, a solo CD called Rites and the follow-up to his acclaimed "Officium" album with the Hilliard Ensemble, called "Mnemosyne" (ECM). We talk with Garbarek and members of the Hilliard's about music of the ages and music of the moment. Friday, April 30, 1999 TEN ARTISTS FOR TEN YEARS OF ECHOES: ROBERT RICH Robert Rich is a master of the global soundscape, mixing technology and traditional instruments, acoustic playing and studio manipulation, he weaves a deep, organic and seductive sound. Robert has been a major part of the Echoes sound, beginning with his "Rainforest" album and continuing through "Gaudi," "Propagation" and recently, "Seven Veils." One of the most sophisticated and cerebral composers heard on Echoes, we look back at the breadth of his work, from sleep concerts to tribal trances. ***************************************************************** *denotes compilation ID# 99-J07-00082 Monday, April 26, 1999 (Echoes Program 8D) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Cedar Wind Call Across the Feather on the Wind Water Ry Cooder I Like Your Eyes Music by Ry Cooder Popol Vuh Departure Tantric Songs/ Hosianna Mantra Eileen Ivers Dear Irish Boy Crossing the Bridge Knut Hamre & Huldra-mi A Steve Tibbetts Sheila Chandra ABoneCroneDrone ABoneCroneDrone Second Half Hour AN ECHOES LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH DEBORAH HENSON-CONANT Mychael Danna Field 4 Exotica Liz Story Out of Time Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. IV Third Half Hour Mark Isham Toward the Mark Isham Infinite White Davy Spillane Daire's Dream The Sea of Dreams Wimme Havana Gierran Spacecraft Hummel Hummel Fourth Half Hour William Watson Flight of the Burnham Woods Celtic Earls Mike Oldfield Moonwatch Tubular Bells 3 Happy Rhodes Ra is a Busy God Many Worlds are Born Tonight Rick Heizman Earth Cries Peace Hard to Reach Places David Parsons Bengal Village Yatra ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 99-J07-00083 Tuesday, April 27, 1999 (Echoes Program 18B) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Martin Simpson The Week Before Cool and Unusual Easter Druidstone Celtic Melody The Vow Don Ross Berkely Springs Passion Session Luis Paniagua Solemne Acapio de Muy Fragile Basuras Thandi Qobozela Dumela Nils Petter Molvaer Khmer Khmer Second Half Hour A LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH CAROLYN CRUSO Carolyn Cruso Power of Believing Great Blue Carolyn Cruso Ocean of Wisdom Great Blue Carolyn Cruso Under the Cedar Transformation Carolyn Cruso Trinity Transformation Carolyn Cruso Cloudbreak Transformation Lucia Hwong Light Celestial Realms Stewart Copeland End Titles Little Boy Blue Third Half Hour Shastro Owl's Dream Shambala Scott Huckabay Delphinus Alchemy Uman That's Where This You Are Here Heart Beats Deborah Martin Crossing Plateau Deep Roots, Hidden Water Paul Horn & Eye of the Wind Inside Monument Valley R. Carlos Nakai Shelley Phillips Chanter's Tune Celtic Voyage* Fourth Half Hour Flutar Tears Goodbye Journey's Crossing Ira Stein Trio Wir Glauben all' Bach Improvisations an einen Gott, Schopfer Neil Jacobs Gollum World Blue Nana Simopoulos Dancing Wives After the Moon Roger Eno & Blue Kind of Drug Damage Lol Hammond ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID#99-J07-00084 Wednesday, April 28, 1999 (Echoes Program 18C) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Michael Gulezian Nothing is Always The Dare of an Angel Anything Spool 3 Spool Redshift Protoland Down Time Rhonda Larson Vocalize Free as a Bird Crown Invisible V13 Remixes Second Half Hour Richard Drueding & Wissahickon Wissahickon Stephe Ferraro Sarah Brightman In Paradisum Eden Eileen Ivers Dear Irish Boy Crossing the Bridge Loop Guru Red Crown Catalogue of Desires Sur Sudha Silu Festivals of Nepal Will Ackerman The Impending Death Echoes Living Room of the Virgin Concerts Vol. IV Spirit Third Half Hour Tim Farrell Four Echoes Skydancer Thomas Newman Main Title Unstrung Heroes Garry Hughes Dead Sea Ancient Evenings Lisa Lynne Bandora's Box Seasons of the Soul Keola Beamer Kauhala o Kolonahe Kamapuaa Fourth Half Hour Davy Spillane The Dreaming of The Sea of Dreams the Bones Flutar Voices Carry Journey's Crossing Vox Moses Divine Rites Ian Boddy & Trace the Memory Distant Rituals Markus Reuter ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 98-J07-00085 Thursday, April 29, 1999 (Echoes Program 18D) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour David Pritchard Driven Unassigned Territory Paul Winter Dawnwalker Celtic Solstice Sheila Chandra The Enchantment Moonsung Chris Botti Into it Caught Trancendental Hamam Steam (SDTK) Kazu Matsui 3 Years on the Wheels of the Sun Stone Second Half Hour FEATURE: JAN GARBAREK Jan Garbarek & Agnus Dei Mnemosyne The Hilliard Ens. Loren Nerell Bamboo, Iron, Lilin Dewa Resin, Bronze Conrad Praetzel Elder Days Receive Third Half Hour Robert Powell Delta Waves Desert Beach Ben Neill Dream Phase Triptycal Nana Simopoulos Midnight After the Moon Michael Hedges Arrowhead Torched Jason Kessler Sunshower Classical 12-String Steel Fourth Half Hour Patrick O'Hearn Black Delilah Eldorado Barry Phillips Rowing from Isla Celtic Voyage* to Uist Paul Horn & Shinarav Inside Monument Valley R. Carlos Nakai Steve Roach The Majestic Void Truth & Beauty Legends of the Spirit Bird Greets Tribe of 12 Drum the Dawn Scott Huckabay Until We Meet Again Alchemy Alkymia Datura Alkymia ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 99-J07-00086 Friday, April 30, 1999 (Echoes Program 18E) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Deuter Celestial Harmony Land of Enchantment Jeff Johnson & Sea Caves Songs for Albion 2 Brian Dunning Jocelyn Montgomery O Tu Illustrata Lux Vivens & David Lynch Ian Boddy Box of Secrets Box of Secrets Moodafaruka Bagdad Radio La Luna Lounge Pierre Bensusan WuWei Nice Feeling Second Half Hour William Coulter & Lament of the Sea/ Echoes Living Room Mary McLaughlin Amen Concerts Vol. IV L. Subramanium & Beyond the Flames From the Ashes Larry Coryell Billy McLaughlin Clockshop Out of Hand Mychael Danna & Avening North of Niagara Tim Clement Dom F. Scab Isolated Changes Innerseed Third Half Hour Robert Rich Lifeblood Propagation Peter Kater & Touch of an Angel The Dance of Innocents Nawang Khechog Michael Brook Worries Affliction Maggie Sansone A Traveler's Dream A Traveler's Dream Martin Posen Jeweled Lights Triple Heater Fourth Half Hour TEN ARTISTS FOR TEN YEARS OF ECHOES: ROBERT RICH Robert Rich The Forest Dreams Rainforest of Bach Robert Rich Ibn Sina Seven Veils Robert Rich Tracery Gaudi ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* RELEASES AVAILABLE FROM ECHODISC ARTIST TITLE / PRICE (CD/CASS.) ITEM# Alkymia Alkymia $16.98 A109 Beamer, Keola Kolonahe $16.98 B148 Bensusan, Pierre Nice Feeling $17.98 B144 Boddy, Ian Box of Secrets $19.98 NEW Boddy, Ian & Distant Rituals $19.98 *DISTANT Reuter, Markus Botti, Chris Caught $17.98 NEW Brightman, Sarah Eden $17.98 *EDEN Brook, Michael Affliction $17.98 B150 Cedar Wind Feather on the Wind $17.98 *FEATHER Celtic Voyage* $17.98 *CELTIC VOY Chandra, Sheila Moonsung $14.98 C127 Cooder, Ry Music by Ry Cooder $32.98 DBL *MUSIC BY Copeland, Stewart Little Boy Blue $17.98 C120 Crown Invisible Remixes $17.98 NEW Cruso, Carolyn Great Blue N/A Cruso, Carolyn Transformation $16.98 C126 Danna, Mychael Exotica $17.98 *EXOTIC Danna, Mychael & North of Niagara $15.98 D43 Clement, Tim Deuter Land of Enchantment D23 $15.98/9.98 Drueding, Richard & Wissahickon $17.98 *WISSA Ferraro, Stephe Druidstone The Vow $16.98 M119 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 4 $15.98 E98 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 3 $15.98 E97 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 2 $15.98 E96 Echoes Door in the Air Vol. 1 $15.98/9.98 E1 Eno, Roger & Damage $17.98 E75 Hammond, Lol Farrell, Tim Skydancer $15.98 F47 Flutar Journey's Crossing $17.98 NEW Garbarek, Jan & Mnemosyne $31.98 DBL G103 The Hilliard Ens. Gulezian, Michael The Dare of an Angel G37 $13.98/7.98 Hamre, Knut & "A" $16.98 T92 Tibbetts, Steve Hedges, Michael Torched $16.98 H85 Heizman, Rick Hard to Reach Places N/A Horn, Paul & Inside Monument Valley $16.98 H86 Nakai, R. Carlos Huckabay, Scott Alchemy $16.98 H90 Hughes, Garry Unstrung Heroes N/A Hwong, Lucia Celestial Realms $16.98 H87 Isham, Mark Mark Isham $15.98 I8 Ivers, Eileen Crossing the Bridge $17.98 I26 Jacobs, Neil World Blue $17.98 J30 Johnson, Jeff & Songs for Albion 2 $15.98 J8 Dunning, Brian Kater, Peter & The Dance of Innocents $16.98 K65 Khechog, Nawang Kessler, Jason Classical 12-String Steel NEW $17.98 Larson, Rhonda Free as a Bird $15.98 L28 Legends of the Drum Tribe of 12 $17.98 NEW Loop Guru Catalogue of Desires $17.98 L51 Lynne, Lisa Seasons of the Soul $16.98 L63 Martin, Deborah Deep Roots, Hidden Water NEW $17.98 Matsui, Kazu Wheels of the Sun $15.98 M19 McLaughlin, Billy Out of Hand $14.98 M117 Molvaer, Nils Petter Khmer $17.98 *KHMER Montgomery, Jocelyn Lux Vivens $17.98 M109 & David Lynch Moodafaruka La Luna Lounge N/A Neill, Ben Triptycal $17.98 N57 Nerell, Loren Lilin Dewa $17.98 N62 Newman, Thomas Unstrung Heroes N/A O'Hearn, Patrick Eldorado N/A Oldfield, Mike Tubular Bells III $25.98 DBL *TUBULAR Parsons, David Yatra $26.98 DBL P13 Popol Vuh Tantric Songs/Hosianna Mantra P11 $15.98 Powell, Robert Desert Beach $13.98 P9 Posen, Martin Triple Heater N/A Praetzel, Conrad Receive $16.98 P64 Pritchard, David Unassigned Territory $17.98 P62 Redshift Down Time $19.98 S178 Rhodes, Happy Many Worlds Are Born Tonight R88 $17.98 Rich, Robert Propagation $15.98 R32 Rich, Robert Rainforest $15.98 R3 Rich, Robert Seven Veils $15.98 R89 Rich, Robert Gaudi $15.98 R9 Roach, Steve Truth & Beauty $15.98 R94 Ross, Don Passion Session $14.98 R99 Sansone, Maggie A Traveler's Dream $16.98 S168 Scab, Dom F. Innerseed N/A Shastro Shambala $16.98 S170 Simopoulos, Nana After the Moon $14.98 S177 Simpson, Martin Cool and Unusual $17.98 S163 Spacecraft Hummel $17.98 S162 Spillane, Davy The Sea of Dreams $19.98 S154 Spool Spool $17.98 S152 Steam (SDTK) $16.98 S166 Ira Stein Trio Bach Improvisations $15.98 S169 Subramanium, L. & From the Ashes $17.98 S173 Sudha, Sur Festivals of Nepal $17.98 S175 Thandi Dumela $16.98 T95 Vox Divine Rites $16.98 V55 Watson, William Burnham Woods $17.98 W94 Wimme Gierran $17.98 W93 Winter, Paul Celtic Solstice $16.98 W92 ***************************************************************** Copyright 1999 Pennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc. *******************************end*******************************