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FEATURES FOR THE WEEK Monday, April 5, 1999 DAVID MICHAEL & RANDY MEAD: NEW TROUBADOURS David Michael & Randy Mead have been together for a quarter century, weaving a blend of Celtic Harp and flutes on several albums including last year's critically acclaimed "Courtship of the Moon (Purnima). These artists work outside the conventional mainstream, playing their music on street corners in Europe and ferries on Puget Sound. We talk to this duo about their long trip and new music. Tuesday, April 6, 1999 RICHARD LEO JOHNSON-ACOUSTIC AXE VICTIM Richard Leo Johnson was born and raised in Arkansas and that's where he picked up a uniquely aggressive approach to the acoustic guitar that recalls Michael Hedges. Playing mostly 12 string, he hammers, slams and plucks his guitar to create a mutated orchestra of melodies that have hints of jazz, country, blues and folk. We caught up with Richard just as his debut album, "Fingertip Ship" (Metro Blue) was about to be released. Wednesday, April 7, 1999 A LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH JAMI SIEBER Jami Sieber plays a cello that looks like a stick with a peg leg on it. But plugging into a rack of electronic effects, she turns herself into a one woman string orchestra. In her Berkeley apartment, Jami Sieber plays music from her latest album, "Second Sight," (Out Front) live in an Echoes Living Room Concert. Friday, April 9, 1999 WILLIAM WATSON'S SOLO PIANO HYMNAL William Watson grew up the son of 60's Civil Rights activists in Mississippi. He spent his youth shuttling from one black church to another, soaking up gospel tunes. Now he turns those tunes into his own evocative piano solos on two albums, Fields and Burnham Woods. We visit William Watson in his San Francisco home where he gives us the gospel. ***************************************************************** *denotes compilation ID# 99-J07-00067 Monday, April 5, 1999 (Echoes Program 6E) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Mike Oldfield Clear Light Tubular Bells Esteban Silver Raine Enter the Heart Knut Hamre & Olav Bergstad A Steve Tibbetts Giovanni Sollima Hinton's Drawings Aquilarco Luis Delgado The Look El Sueno de Al-Zaqqaq Second Half Hour Loreena McKennitt La Serenissima The Book of Secrets Michael Hedges Dream Beach Torched Adiemus Adiemus Songs of the Sanctuary Spool 3 Spool Richard Searles Song of Elfarron Sheltering Stones Trancendental Hamam Steam Third Half Hour Anthony Phillips Something Blue Dragonfly Dreams Nick Rowe The Fire & the The Fire and the Moon Moon Wendy Luck Night Prayer The Ancient Key Richie Buckley Martin, Frances The General & Tina Steve Naive The Time It's Raining Somewhere Fourth Half Hour DAVID MICHAEL & RANDY MEAD: NEW TROUBADOURS David Michael & Sky Safari Courtship of the Moon Randy Mead Vas Ellora Offerings Richard Drueding & The Day After the Wissahickon Stephe Ferraro Night Before ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 99-J07-00068 Tuesday, April 6, 1999 (Echoes Program 9E) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Green Isac Pearl Dive Happy Endings Doug Smith The Tempest Alone at Last Richard Drueding & Wissahickon Wissahickon Stephe Ferraro Spacecraft The Summon Hummel Trancendental Hamam Steam Second Half Hour RICHARD LEO JOHNSON-ACOUSTIC AXE VICTIM Richard Leo Glidepath Fingertip Ship Johnson Jeff Pearce Quiet & Clear Daylight Slowly Paul Winter Dawnwalker Reprise Celtic Solstice Loreena McKennitt The Mummer's Dance The Book of Secrets Badawi Enter the Heretic The Heretic of Ether Third Half Hour Dik Darnell & Hidden Code Prophesies Steve Halpern L.A.G.Q. Farewell to L.A.G.Q. Stromness Deborah Henson- Loch Lomond The Celtic Album Conant Ira Stein Trio Nun Lieget Alles Bach Improvisations Unter Dir Dogon The Seer Mix Redunjusta Fourth Half Hour Nanci Griffith Year Down in New Sounds of Wood and Steel Orleans 2* Robert Rich Coils Seven Veils Davy Spillane The Sea of Dreams The Sea of Dreams Michael Hedges Ursa Major Torched Take Dake Java Asian Roots Patrick O'Hearn Beauty in Darkness Ancient Dreams ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID#99-J07-00069 Wednesday, April 7, 1999 (Echoes Program 15C) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Lucia Hwong Beauty Celestial Realms Richie Buckley Tina The General Rudiger Oppermann Wide Horizon Fragile Balance Deuter Fjarit Henon Rhonda Larson Alleluias Free as a Bird Mark Dwane Chalidocean The Atlantis Factor Second Half Hour Damon Albarn & Manifest Destiny Ravenous (SDTK) Michael Nyman Richard Drueding & The Day After the Wissahickon Stephe Ferraro Night Before Conrad Praetzel Ropes and Ladders Receive Steve Roach The Majestic Void Truth & Beauty Jan Garbarek Rites Rites Third Half Hour Laurence Juber Silhouette Altered Reality Hiroki Okano Hototogisu Enn Laurel Macdonald Oran na h-eala Chroma Michael Brook Worries Affliction Maggie Sansone Samhain Set A Traveler's Dream Pierre Bensusan 4AM Nice Feeling Fourth Half Hour A LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH JAMI SIEBER Don Ross With You in Mind Passion Session Moodafaruka Baghdad Radio La Luna Lounge ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 98-J07-00070 Thursday, April 8, 1999 (Echoes Program 15D) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Hans Christian Backwards Phantoms Orison The Butterfly Celtic Voyage* Keola Beamer Blue Water Dolphin Kolonahe Roger Eno & Burst Damage Lol Hammond Spacecraft The Summon Hummel Second Half Hour Paul Winter Dawnwalker Celtic Solstice Fire Crow Wind in My Mind Fire Crow Jonathan Elias Mercy The Prayer Cycle Bob Holroyd On the Forest Floor Fluidity and Structure Liz Story Out of Time Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. IV Scott Huckabay Mother's Arms Alchemy Third Half Hour Meg Bowles Lunar Chant Blue Cosmos Mike Oldfield Moonwatch Tubular Bells III Patrick Lee Hebert Stormfront Reverie & Chris Lonsberry Dr. L. Subramanium Beyond the Flames From the Ashes & Larry Coryell Eileen Ivers Dear Irish Boy Crossing the Bridge Fourth Half Hour Peter Kater & Centering Song for Humanity R. Carlos Nakai Michael Brook Close Refrain Affliction Vas Ellora Offerings Martin Posen Tarlika's Shadow Triple Heater Jon Jenkins The Power/ Washed Flow Away ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 99-J07-00071 Friday, April 9, 1999 (Echoes Program 15E) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour David Michael & Procession of the Courtship of the Moon Randy Mead Mark Hanson Drake's Passage Acoustic Guitar Summit* Paul Avgerinos Golden Threads Sky of Grace Thandi Mtandazo Dumela Steve Roach Earthman Truth & Beauty Second Half Hour WILLIAM WATSON'S SOLO PIANO HYMNAL William Watson Garden of Zen Burnham Woods Aryeh Frankfurter The Morning Dew Harp Songs of the Midnight Sun Wimme Havana Gierran Alpha Wave Movement Linear Perspective Concept of Motion Third Half Hour Jim Bartz The Majestic Being POEAS Michael Hedges Arrowhead Torched Neil Jacobs Gollum World Blue Tracy & Thea Here I Am Echoes Living Room Silverman Concerts Vol. IV Spool Algo Spool Alkymia Datura Alkymia Fourth Half Hour Ira Stein Trio Das Neugeborne Bach Improvisations Kindelein Jeff Pearce 11/11 Daylight Slowly Conrad Praetzel Elder Days Receive Rhonda Larson Peregrine Free as a Bird Adiemus Minuet Dances of Time Dik Darnell & Hidden Code Prophecies Steven Halpern ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* RELEASES AVAILABLE FROM ECHODISC ARTIST TITLE / PRICE (CD/CASS.) ITEM# Acoustic Guitar Summit* $17.98 NEW Adiemus Songs of Sanctuary $16.98 A47 Adiemus Dances of Time $16.98 A108 Alkymia Alkymia $17.98 NEW Alpha Wave Movement Concept of Motion $19.98 A105 Avgerinos, Paul Sky of Grace $16.98 A107 Badawi The Heretic of Ether $17.98 B145 Bartz, Jim P.O.E.A.S. $14.98 B71 Beamer, Keola Kolonahe $17.98 NEW Bensusan, Pierre Nice Feeling $17.98 B144 Bowles, Meg Blue Cosmos $15.98/10.98 B84 Brook, Michael Affliction $17.98 NEW Celtic Voyage* Orison $17.98 *CELTIC VOY Christian, Hans Phantoms $15.98/9.98 C54 Darnell, Dik & Prophecies $17.98 *PROPH Halpern, Steve Delgado, Luis El Sueno de Al-Zaqqaq *El SUENO $17.98 Deuter Henon $15.98/9.98 D4 Dogon Redunjusta $15.98 D97 Drueding, Richard & Wissahickon $17.98 *WISSA Ferraro, Stephe Dwane, Mark The Atlantis Factor D28 $14.98/8.98 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 4 $15.98 E98 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 3 $15.98 E97 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 2 $15.98 E96 Echoes Door in the Air Vol. 1 $15.98/9.98 E1 Elias, Jonathan The Prayer Cycle $17.98 NEW Eno, Roger & Damage $17.98 E75 Hammond, Lol Esteban Enter the Heart $16.98 E72 Fire Crow Fire Crow $16.98 F4 Frankfurter, Aryeh Harp Songs of the Midnight Sun F49 $16.98 Garbarek, Jan Rites $31.98 (DBL) G102 General, The (SDTK) $17.98 CALL TO ORD Green Isac Happy Endings $16.98 G54 Hamre, Knut & "A" $16.98 T92 Tibbetts, Steve Hebert, Patrick Lee Reverie $17.98 NEW & Lonsberry, Chris Hedges, Michael Torched $16.98 H85 Henson-Conant, The Celtic Album $16.98 H84 Deborah Holroyd, Bob Fluidity and Structure N/A Huckabay, Scott Alchemy $16.98 H90 Hwong, Lucia Celestial Realms $16.98 H87 Ira Stein Trio Bach Improvisations $15.98 S169 Ivers, Eileen Crossing the Bridge $17.98 I26 Jacobs, Neil World Blue $17.98 *WORLD Jenkins, Jon Flow $16.98 J27 Johnson, Richard Leo Fingertip Ship $17.98 J28 Juber, Laurence Altered Reality $14.98 J29 Kater, Peter & Song for Humanity $16.98 K64 Nakai, R. Carlos L.A.G.Q. L.A.G.Q. $17.98 L59 Larson, Rhonda Free as a Bird $15.98/9.98 L28 Luck, Wendy The Ancient Key $17.98 L61 MacDonald, Laurel Chroma $17.98 NEW McKennitt, Loreena The Book of Secrets M89 $17.98/11.98 Michael, David & Courtship of the Moon $14.98 M104 Mead, Randy Moodafaruka La Luna Lounge $17.98 NEW Naive, Steve It's Raining Somewhere $15.98 N56 O'Hearn, Patrick Ancient Dreams N/A Okano, Hiroki Enn N/A Oldfield, Mike Tubular Bells $17.98 O14 Oldfield, Mike Tubular Bells III $25.98 *TUBULAR Oppermann, Rudiger Fragile Balance $17.98 O63 Pearce, Jeff Daylight Slowly $16.98 P61 Phillips, Anthony Dragonfly Dreams N/A Posen, Martin Triple Heater N/A Praetzel, Conrad Receive $17.98 NEW Ravenous (SDTK) $17.98 NEW Rich, Robert Seven Veils $15.98 R89 Roach, Steve Truth and Beauty $15.98 R94 Ross, Don Passion Session $14.98 R99 Rowe, Nick The Fire and the Moon N/A Sansone, Maggie A Traveler's Dream $16.98 S168 Searles, Richard Sheltering Stones $16.98 S155 Smith, Doug Alone at Last $16.98 S158 Sollima, Giovanni Aquilarco $17.98 S156 Sounds of Wood and Steel II* $16.98 *SOUNDS Spacecraft Hummel $17.98 S162 Spillane, Davy Sea of Dreams $19.98 S154 Spool Spool $17.98 S152 Steam SDTK $17.98 S166 Subramanium, L. & From the Ashes $17.98 S173 Coryell, Larry Take Dake Asian Roots $17.98 T89 Thandi Dumela $17.98 NEW Vas Offerings $14.98 V53 Watson, William Burnham Woods $17.98 B146 Wimme Gierran $17.98 W93 Winter, Paul Celtic Solstice $16.98 W92 ***************************************************************** Copyright 1999 Pennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc. *******************************end*******************************