For the Week of September 11, 2000

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                     FEATURES FOR THE WEEK
                   Monday September 11, 2000
Virtually every music you hear today is the result of
electronics, whether it's a symphony performance with dozens of
edits or the latest space music opus, Britney Spears or Karlheinz
Stockhausen.  A new collection called OHM: GURUS OF ELECTRONIC
MUSIC (Ellipsis Arts) explores some of the early pioneers of this
sound, including musicians who made their own instruments and the
first turntable scratchers from the 1940s.  We'll talk to OHM
compiler Jason Gross and hear comments from several pioneers,
including John Cage and Brian Eno.

                   Tuesday September 12, 2000
                      JOHN DOAN-WAYFARING
John Doan wants to be an Irish bard carrying tales from the
Emerald Isle.  He doesn't sing them but he plays them on his harp
guitar.  His latest journey has spawned the album WAYFARER
(Hearts O' Space). John Doan talks about his latest travels
through the Celtic Isles and reveals the stories behind music
that he composed right on the spot of sacred sites and holy
grounds, from castles to monasteries.  

                  Wednesday September 13, 2000
Sorma is a Japanese collective that includes members of Jalan
Jalan and has that same sense of Eastern atmosphere, but their
music here is much more dynamic.  Thundering drums, chanting
vocals and electronic atmospheres mix in with traditional
Japanese sounds in their highly imagistic album, MIRAGE OF THE
EAST (Pacific Moon).  We talk with Sorma #1, Yoichi Shimada about
their eastern fusion.

                   Friday September 15, 2000
Saul Stokes has been called "Popular Mechanics musician of the
year" because he builds his own instruments, stylish futuristic
constructions of blinking LEDs, patch cords and knobs.  These
custom devices give his music a distinctive sound that's been
heard on several recordings, including his latest, OUTFOLDING
(Hypnos).  Saul uses the flaws and unpredictability of his
home-built synthesizers, to provide  the expressiveness typical
of acoustic instruments.  Saul Stokes talks about making music
from the wires up.
                      *denotes compilation
ID#00-J07-00181 Monday, September 11, 2000 (Echoes Program 26J)
       ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                   Monday September 11, 2000
                        First Half Hour
Klaus Schulze/      Road Clear          Drive Inn
 Rainer Bloss

Ashit Desai         Yearning            Eternity
Paul McCandless     Motet:Ave Verum     Mozart Variations*
Spacecraft          Restless            Kaleida Dreams
Cast in Bronze      Freedom             Genesis
                        Second Half Hour
      Feature: OHM Pioneers of the Oscillation Zone

Brian Eno           Unfamiliar Wind     OHM*

Led Kaapana         Koke'e              Black Sand
Brian Ales          Sad Man Club        November
Sanjay Mishra       Norwegian Wood      Rescue
                        Third Half Hour
Troika              Vision Quest        Shaman

Tim Farrell         Joyride To          Skydancer
Happy Rhodes        Ra Is A Busy God    Many Worlds Are Born
Jhno                Raise & Illuminate  Membrane
The Mermen          Unto The            The Amazing California
                    Resplendent         Health & Happiness Road

                        Fourth Half Hour
Uttara Kuru         Wings of The Eagle  East Wind
Afro Celt Sound     Amber               Release 
Michael Garrison    Runaway             Prisms
Baka Beyond         Mountan Song        Journey Between
Patrick O'Hearn     Let Truth Prevail   Metaphor

ID#00-J07-00182 Tuesday, September 12, 2000 (Echoes Program 37G)
ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                    Tuesday, September 12, 2000
                    First Half Hour
Guy Kark            Camel Song             Canaan
Yashu               Longing                Oasis
Nodens Ictus        The Gong of Ra         Spacelines
Dagda               Escape Into Darkness   Underworld
Michael Gulezian    Almost Made it to Guam Distant Memories
                                           and Dreams
                    Second Half Hour
Zbigniew Preisner   The Art of Flying      10 Easy Pieces 
                                           for Piano
Keith Bear          Pumpkin Seed           Earthlodge
Steve Roach/        Healing Temple         Vine, Bark & Spore
 Jorge Reyes
Ottmar Liebat       Bombay                 The Hours between
                                           Night & Day
This Mortal Coil    Another Day            It'll End in Tears
Sam Cardon          Floodplain on the Nile Earth Cinema
R Carlos Nakai/     Caravanserai           Ancestral Voices
 William Eaton      

                    Third Half Hour 
John Doan           Tara                   Eire:Isle of 
                                            the Saints
Harold Budd         The Room of Corners    The Room
Dean Evenson/       Tao & Then             Tao of Healing
 Li Xiangting       
Vas                 Sevdama                In the Garden of Souls
David Belmont       Waterfalls             Windwater Excursion
Geoffrey Oryema     Lapwony                Beat the Border

                    Fourth Half Hour
John Doan           Castle Dinas Bran      Wayfarer
Ron Clearfield      Nana                   Time on Earth
Mino Cinelo         Namonale               Mino Cinelo
Another Fine Day    In 5                   Salvage
Roger Eno           Over the River         The Nightgarden


ID#00-J07-00183 Wednesday, September 13, 2000 (Echoes Program 37H)
ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                    Wednesday, September 13, 2000
                    First Half Hour
Sorma               Satie's Sari           Mirage of the East
Angels of Venice    Queen of the Sun       Angels of Venice
Bill Douglas        Karuna                 Eternity's Sunrise
Lustral             Everytime              Chilled Euphoria*
Stephen Micus       The Gates of Fire      The Garden of Mirrors

                    Second Half Hour
                         SORMA FEATURE
Sorma               Miyabi                 Mirage of the East
Patrick O'Hearn     Bach: Cello Suite #1   A Different Prelude*
Kate Price          Isle of Dreaming       Isle of Dreaming

                    Third Half Hour
Chinmaya Dunster    Right Samadi           Feng Shui
CC Dome             DR II                  Dream Furious EP
Tuu                 Tidal Memory           Echoes LRC #4
Daevid Allen        22 Meanings            22 Meanings
Preston Reed        Crossing Open Water    Handwritten Notes

                    Fourth Half Hour

Dean Evenson/       Deeper Forever         Tao of Healing
 Li Xiangting       
Sam Cardon          Eternal Sands          Earth Cinema
Milladoiro          Riberana e Golpe       Auga de Maio
David Arkenstone    Inshallah              Caravan of Light
Thomas Barquee      Guru                   Temple

ID#00-J07-00184 Thursday, September 14, 2000 (Echoes Program 37I)

ARTIST              SELECTION              RECORDING
                    Thursday, September 14, 2000
                    First Half Hour
Lisa Lynne          Majestica           Seasons of the Soul
Alpha Wave Movement Awakening the       Drifted into Deeper Lands
                    Sand Spirits        
Jeff Johnson/       Byzantium           Byzantium
 Brian Dunning      
Ron Clearfield      Baqti               Time on Earth

                    Second Half Hour
Cast in Bronze      Freedom             Genesis
Michael Thomas      Ice Break           Arctic
Robert Rich         Mosaic              Gaudi
Baka Beyond         Mountain Song       Journey Between
Dougie McClean      Perthshire Amber    Perthshire Amber

                    Third Half Hour
CC: Dome            The Glistening      The Dream Furious EP
Chicane             Saltwater           Behind the Sun
Michael Stearns     Chaco Landlight     The Middle of Time
Keith Bear          Hidatsa Garden Song Earthlodge
David Darling       Irish Miles         Balance

                    Fourth Half Hour
Lawrence Laughing   I Wish You Peace     Now Our Minds Are One
Sanjay Mishra       Stoneflower Morning  Rescue
Rainbow Serpent     Pulse Transmission   Pulse
Ottmar Liebat       Lush                 Euphoria
The Mermen          Unto the Resplendent The Amazing California
                                         Health & Happiness Road
ID#00-J07-00185 Friday, September 15, 2000 (Echoes Program 37J)

ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                    Friday, September 15, 2000
                    First Half Hour
David Helfand       Ma Na Vu             Beyond the Sea of Reeds
Caryn Lin           In the Abbey of      Tolerance for Ambiguity
David Arkenstone    Jewels of the Night  Caravan of Light
Lisa Gerrard        Shadow Magnet        Duality

                    Second Half Hour
Mizuyo Komiya       Path                 Lullaby
Robert Rich         Rites of the Bronze  Echoes LRC vol. #3
Axiom of Choice     Parvaz               Niya Yesh
Azuma               A Place called Akino Mind of Genesis

                    Third Half Hour
Saul Stokes         Cloud Shaping        Outfolding
Carl Weingarten     Come with Me         Bluefaith
Another Fine Day    Two Kalimbas &       Salvage
                    a Synth
Vas                 In the Garden of     In the Garden of Souls
Nodens Ictus        Spacelines           Spacelines

                    Fourth Half Hour
                      FEATURE: SAUL STOKES
Saul Stokes         Somewhere Current    Outfolding
J. Arif Verner      Across the Abyss     Through the Timeless
Yashu               Questions of the     Oasis
Harold Budd         The Room of          The Room
                    Accidental Geometry

Copyright 2000 Pennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc.

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