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FEATURES FOR THE WEEK Monday July 19, 1999 SPACECRAFT TAKES OFF Spacecraft is a trio of musicians from Kentucky and Tennessee updating the mid-period sound of Tangerine Dream in vintage space music excursions. Their latest album, Hummel (Lektronic Soundscapes), was recorded in the planetarium of the same name. Inspired by NASA audio recordings, Spacecraft disembarks for a few moments at Echoes to talk about electronic music in the space age. Tuesday July 20, 1999 JAMI SIEBER'S ELECTRIC CELLO Jami Sieber plays a cello that looks like a stick with a peg-leg. She runs this electric variation on the concert instrument through effects and delays to create the enchanting compositions of her two solo albums, "Lush Mechanique" and "Second Sight" (Out Front Music). Jami plucks her cello and shows us how she works as a one woman chamber orchestra. Wednesday July 21, 1999 LOREENA MCKENNITT: TEN ARTISTS FOR TEN YEARS OF ECHOES Loreena McKennitt is a musician looking for connections between music, culture and the spirit. Her journeys have taken her from Canada to Ireland, Morocco to Siberia. We take you to McKennitt's belfry studio in Stratford, Ontario where she unveils the secrets behind her music, which started with just a Celtic harp and an extraordinary voice. Thursday July 22, 1999 A LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH ULLI Ulli is actually Ulli Bogenshauser, a German Guitarist, who last year released his American debut, Ageless Guitar Solos (Waters Edge). It's a mix of melodic originals and some inventive cover tunes including pieces by Alex De Grassi, Leo Kottke and Mason William's "Classical Gas." Ulli sits in the Echoes living room to play some of these tunes as well as new songs, all worked out in the filigree of his finger-style guitar. ***************************************************************** *denotes compilation ID# 99-J07-00142 Monday, July 19, 1999 (Echoes Program 21E) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Alkymia Datura Alkymia Chris Spheeris Island of 1000 Mystic Traveller Temples Keola Beamer Kauhale O Kamapua'a Kolonahe Vas The Promsie Offerings Mark Dwane Lifeforms The Nefilim Second Half Hour FEATURE: SPACECRAFT TAKES OFF Spacecraft Hummel Hummel David Andrew Wolf Persistence of Vision Pearson Shastro Owl's Dream Shambala Third Half Hour Deuter Gratitude Sands of Time William Watson Garden of Zen Burnham Woods Cornerstone Shoemaker-Levy 9 Out of the Blue Nana Simopoulos Midnight After the Moon Fourth Half Hour Tim Story These Few Words Beguiled Uakti Music from a Greek Trilobyte Temple Sarah Brightman In Paradisum Eden David Helpling Stormchaser Between Green & Blue Dogon Chet's Dream Redunjusta Ottmar Liebert Desert Elysium Innamorare ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 99-J07-00143 Tuesday, July 20, 1999 (Echoes Program 30B) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour John Huling Sunrise on East Return to Spiritlands Mesa Michael Stearns The Reflecting Floating Whispers Heart Roger Eno & Lol Burst Damage Hammond Leo Kottke Retrograde One Guitar, No Vocals Jai Uttal A Distant Episode Monkey Samite Esawayo Stars to Share Second Half Hour JAMI SIEBER'S ELECTRIC CELLO Jami Sieber Tell it by Heart Second Sight Hoppe, Tillman & Land of Serenity Afterglow Wheater Stonecoat The Crossing Native Trance Bukkene Bruse Folk Tune from the Northern Nights* Sunnmore Kim Robertson Comb Your Hair and The Spiral Gate Curl It Third Half Hour Bob Holroyd On the Forest Floor Fluidity & Structure Bill Frisell Rain, Rain Good Dog, Happy Man Probe Waterlilies Probe Introduction R. Carlos Nakai Daybreak Vision Inner Voices Billy McLaughlin Candleman Out of Hand Fourth Half Hour Sur Sudha Silu Festivals of Nepal Clara Ponty The Embrace The Embrace Willie & Lobo Egyptian Odyssey Wild Heart Dead Can Dance Mother Tongue The Serpent's Egg Neil Jacobs Golum World Blue Ravi Calabash The African Kora ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID#99-J07-00144 Wednesday, July 21, 1999 (Echoes Program 30C) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Alex DeGrassi Sweet Baby James Interpretations of James Taylor Gregorio Allegri Miserere Mei Sacred Treasures II Anne Dudley & Jaz The Awakening Songs from Victorious Coleman City Hevia Barganaz Tierra de Nadie Kamal Snake Medecine Shamanic Healing Second Half Hour Toumani Diabate Bi Lambam New Ancient Strings Kila Crann Na bPingini Tog E Go Bog E Nana Simopoulos To Edafos After the Moon Erik Wollo Monument Images of Light David Michael Isle of Winds Isle of Winds Euphoria Delerium Euphoria Third Half Hour Loreena McKennitt Marco Polo The Book of Secrets Adrian Legg Cradle Songs Fingers & Thumbs Steve Tibbetts All for Nothing The Fall of Us All Angels of Venice Within You, Without Here, There & You Everywhere Spacecraft Cycles Earthtime Tapestry Fourth Half Hour LOREENA MCKENNITT: TEN ARTISTS FOR TEN YEARS OF ECHOES Loreena McKennitt The Mummer's Dance The Book of Secrets Loreena McKennitt Courtyard Lullaby The Visit Loreena McKennitt Full Circle The Mask & Mirror Loreena McKennitt All Soul's Night The Visit ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID#99-J07-00145 Thursday, July 22, 1999 (Echoes Program 19B) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Mark Dwane Virtual Gods Angels, Aliens & Archetypes Paul Avgerinos Golden Threads Sky of Grace The Soweto Songs My Mother Renaissance String Quartet Taught Me Maggie Sansone A Traveler's Dream A Traveler's Dream Alkymia Leyenda Alkymia Nana Simopoulos Midnight After the Moon Second Half Hour Paul Horn & Holy Ones Inside Monument Valley R Carlos Nakai Secret Garden Evensong Dawn of a New Century Roger Eno & Room Without Lights Damage Lol Hammond Jerry Goodman Watz of On the Future of the Windmills Aviation Michael Brook Close Refrain Affliction Geist Great Ocean More Light Third Half Hour Richard Leo Johnson Tony Bennett Fingertip Ship Burning Sky Spirit Within Enter the Earth Lisa Lynne Bandora's Box Seasons of the Soul Ira Stein Trio Wir Glauben all' Bach Improvisations einen Gott, Shopfer Conrad Praetzel Ropes and Ladders Receive Fourth Half Hour A LIVING ROOM CONCERT WITH ULLI Ulli Umbrallino (unreleased) Ulli Roots (unreleased) Ulli Rush Hour (unreleased) Ulli Angie Ageless Guitar Solos Ulli Tomorrow will be Ageless Guitar Solos Good Again ****************************************** WANT TO ADD ANY OF THESE CDS TO YOUR COLLECTION? PLEASE SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PLAYLIST FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY AS WELL AS HOW TO ORDER!! ******************************************* ID# 99-J07-00146 Friday, July 23, 1999 (Echoes Program 18C) ARTIST SELECTION RECORDING First Half Hour Michael Gulezian Nothing is Always The Dare of an Angel Anything Spool 3 Spool Redshift Protoland Down Time Rhonda Larson Vocalize Free as a Bird Crown Invisible V13 Remixes Second Half Hour Richard Drueding & Wissahickon Wissahickon Stephe Ferraro Sarah Brightman In Paradisum Eden Eileen Ivers Dear Irish Boy Crossing the Bridge Loop Guru Red Crown Catalogue of Desires Sur Sudha Silu Festivals of Nepal Will Ackerman The Impending Death Echoes Living Room of the Virgin Concerts Vol. IV Spirit Third Half Hour Tim Farrell Four Echoes Skydancer Thomas Newman Main Title Unstrung Heroes Garry Hughes Dead Sea Ancient Evenings Lisa Lynne Bandora's Box Seasons of the Soul Keola Beamer Kauhala o Kolonahe Kamapuaa Fourth Half Hour Davy Spillane The Dreaming of The Sea of Dreams the Bones Flutar Voices Carry Journey's Crossing Vox Moses Divine Rites Ian Boddy & Trace the Memory Distant Rituals Markus Reuter ***************************************************************** RELEASES AVAILABLE FROM ECHODISC ARTIST TITLE / PRICE (CD/CASS.) ITEM# Alkymia Alkymia $16.98 A109 Allegri, Gregorio Sacred Treasures II $15.98 S181 Avgerinos, Paul Sky of Grace $16.98 A107 Beamer, Keola Kolonahe $16.98 B148 Boddy, Ian & Distant Rituals $19.98 B156 Reuter, Marcus Brightman, Sarah Eden $17.98 *EDEN Brook, Michael Affliction $17.98 B150 Burning Sky Enter the Earth $16.98 B143 Cornerstone Out of the Blue N/A Crown Invisible Remixes $8.98 *REMIXES Dead Can Dance The Serpent's Egg $17.98 D36 DeGrassi, Alex Interpretations of James D99 Taylor $17.98 Deuter Sands of Time $26.98 DBL D10 Diabate, Toumani New Ancient Strings $16.98 D100 Dogon Redunjusta $15.98 D97 Drueding, Richard & Wissahickon $17.98 *WISSA Ferraro, Stephe Dudley, Anne & Songs from Victorious City N/A Coleman, Jaz Dwane, Mark Angels, Alines & Archetypes D19 $14.98 Dwane, Mark The Nefilim $25.98 D95 Limited Ed., Signed Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 4 $15.98 E98 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 3 $15.98 E97 Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 2 $15.98 E96 Echoes Door in the Air Vol. 1 $9.98 CASS. ONLY E1CS Eno, Roger & Lol Damage $17.98 E75 Hammond Euphoria Euphoria $16.98 E77 Farrell, Tim Skydancer $15.98 F47 Flutar Journey's Crossing $16.98 *JOURNEYS Frisell, Bill Good Dog, Happy Man $17.98 F52 Geist More Light N/A Goodman, Jerry On the Future of Aviation N/A Gulezian, Michael The Dare of an Angel G37 $14.98/8.98 Helpling, David Between Green & Blue $15.98 H56 Here, There & Everywhere* $16.98 H93 Hevia Tierra de Nadie $17.98 NEW Holroyd, Bob Fluidity & Structure N/A Hoppe, Tillman & Afterglow $15.98 H92 Wheater Horn, Paul & Nakai, Inside Monument Valley $16.98 H86 R. Carlos Hughes, Garry Ancient Evenings N/A Huling, John Return to Spiritlands $16.98 H94 Ivers, Eileen Crossing the Bridge $17.98 I26 Jacobs, Neil World Blue $17.98 J30 Johnson, Richard Leo Fingertip Ship $17.98 J28 Kamal Shamanic Healing $17.98 CALL TO ORD Kila Tog E Go Bog E $16.98 K67 Kottke, Leo One Guitar, No Vocals $16.98 K68 Larson, Rhonda Free as a Bird $15.98 L28 Legg, Adrian Figners & Thumbs $17.98 L65 Liebert, Ottmar Innamorare $17.98 L64 Loop Guru Catalogue of Desires $17.98 L51 Lynne, Lisa Seasons of the Soul $16.98 L63 McKennitt, Loreena The Visit $17.98 M13 McKennitt, Loreena The Book of Secrets M89 $17.98/11.98 McKennitt, Loreena The Mask & Mirror $17.98 M30 McLaughlin, Billy Out of Hand $14.98 M117 Michael, David Isle of Winds $14.98 M126 Nakai, R. Carlos Inner Voices $16.98 N76 Northern Nights* $16.98 N75 Pearson, David Persistence of Vision N/A Ponty, Clara The Embrace $17.98 P66 Praetzel, Conrad Receive $16.98 P64 Probe Probe $14.98 P69 Ravi The African Kora N/A Redshift Down Time $19.98 S178 Robertson, Kim The Spiral Gate $14.98 R102 Samite Stars to Share $16.98 S185 Sansone, Maggie A Traveler's Dream $16.98 S168 Secret Garden Dawn of a New Century S174 $16.98/12.98 Shastro Shambala $16.98 S170 Sieber, Jami Second Sight $16.98 S164 Simopoulos, Nana After the Moon $14.98 S177 Soweto String Renaissance $17.98 S180 Quartet Spacecraft Hummel $17.98 S162 Spacecraft Earthtime Tapestry $17.98 S187 Spillane, Davy The Sea of Dreams $19.98 S154 Spool Spool $17.98 S152 Spheeris, Chris Mystic Traveller $15.98/9.98 S110 Stearns, Michael Floating Whispers $22.98 S182 Ira Stein Trio Bach Improvisations $15.98 S169 Stonecoat Native Trance $17.98 NEW Story, Tim Beguiled $15.98 *BEGUILED Sudha, Sur Festivals of Nepal $17.98 S175 Tibbetts, Steve The Fall of Us All T33 $17.98/10.98 Uakti Trilobyte $17.98 U8 Ulli Ageless Guitar Solos $15.98 U11 Unstrung Heroes* $17.98 U7 Uttal, Jai Monkey $16.98 U4 Vas Offerings $14.98 V53 Vox Divine Rites $16.98 V55 Watson, William Burnham Woods $17.98 W94 Willie & Lobo Wild Heart $17.98 NEW Wollo, Erik Images of Light N/A ***************************************************************** Copyright 1999 Pennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc. *******************************end*******************************