For the Week of July 24, 2000

Following is a listing of the musical selections airing on Echoes
for July 24-28, 2000. The dates on the playlists are the dates
the programs are distributed to stations.  Please check the
program ID number to verify the program if your station
broadcasts the program on a different day than it is distributed.
                    FEATURES FOR THE WEEK
                    Monday July 24, 2000
Sanford Ponder is a guitarist and synthesist who released the
first album of the Private Music label in 1985.  It's called
"Etosha" and it's been out of print for years, but the Echoes
expeditionary force has unearthed it from the archeological ruins
and dusted it off for an Ancient Echo.

                    Wednesday July,26 2000
Joanne Shenandoah has been called The Native American Enya.  She
sings in the tongues of the Iroquois Nation, setting her music to
haunting, ambient orchestrations from Tom Wasinger.  On her
latest album, PEACEMAKER'S JOURNEY (SilverWave) she follows the
legend of the Skenanrahowi, who united the Iroquois tribes.  We
talk with Shenandoah about her unique vocal style and non-
traditional take on Native American themes.

                    Thursday July 27, 2000
Pianist Patrick Leonard joins John Diliberto in an Echoes Living
Room Concert.  He's written hits for Madonna and produced the
latest album by Jewel, but on his own, he creates an Americana
chamber music.  We'll hear him in a rare live performance.

                    Friday July 28, 2000
He's the star of many videos with Billy Idol, but on Echoes,
we'll hear guitarist Steve Stevens talking about the Flamenco
sound of his album, FLAMENCO-A-GO-GO.  Steve Stevens reveals
another side to his "Rebel Yell." 
*denotes compilation

ID#00-J07-00146 Monday July 24, 2000 (Echoes Program 20G)
ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                    First Half Hour
Sanford Ponder      Watergarden         Etosha
Sanford Ponder      Frontier            Etosha
Oregon              Aurora              Best of the Vanguard
Skyedance           Cat in a Bag        Labyrinth
Sanford Ponder      Bujuku              Etosha

                    Second Half Hour

George Winston      Give Me Your Hand   Plains
R Carlos Nakai      Calling the Rain    Ancient Future
Sanford Ponder      Araguaia            Etosha
Jeff Pearce         Veil of Lake Snow   To the Shores of Heaven
Jalan Jalan         Firefly Sanctuary   Bali
Sanford Ponder      Lamima              Etosha

                    Third Half Hour

Lorenza Ponce       Beloved             Lorenza Ponce
Alex De Grassi      Lost in the Woods   Echoes Living Room
                                        Concerts Vol. 5*
Kate Price          The Isle of         The Isle of Dreaming
Sorma               Miyabi              Mirage of the East
Kila                Liostirin Waltz     Lemonade & Buns

                    Fourth Half Hour

Michael Hedges      Ignition            The Best of...
Vas                 The Inward Coil     In the Garden of Souls
Anima               Ancient Spirits     Spirit of the Canyon
LAGQ                Along the Edge      Air and Ground
Ruben Garcia        The Continuation    Lakeland
                    of Slow Motion

  ID#00-J07-00147 Tuesday, July 25, 2000 (Echoes Program 18H)
ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                    First Half Hour
Robbie Longley      Coco Robichaux      Sanctuary

Libera              Agnus Dei           Libera
Michael Whalen      Towards the Sunrise Nightscenes
Keith Jarrett       Bremen 7/12/73      Solo Concerts

                    Second Half Hour
Kim Robertson       The Clergy's        The Spiral Gate
Sanjay Mishra       Norwegian Wood      Rescue
Banco de Gaia       B2                  Traveler '00* 
Michael Hedges      The Double Planet   The Best of
Monk                Improvisation       Blink

                    Third Half Hour
Micheal Spriggs     She Was Only..      Without Words
Joseph Fire Crow    Circle Dance        Cheyenne Nation
Mary Jane Lamond    Cattle on the Hill  Lan Duil
Tuu                 Water Memory        Terma
Annbjorg Lien       Astra               Baba Yaga 

                    Fourth Half Hour
R Carlos Nakai      Calling the Rain    Ancient Future
J Arif Verner       Through the         Through the Timeless
Sheila Chandra      Lament of McCrimmon Roots and Wings      
                    Song of the Banshee
Ensemble Polaris    Bravery, Courage    Midnight Sun
                    and Fearless Men
Robert Powell       Delta Waves         Desert Beach          

ID#00-J07-00148 Wednesday, July 26, 2000 (Echoes Program 30H)
ARTIST                   SELECTION           RECORDING

                       First Half Hour
Kentucky Standard        Rain in Damby Flats Kentucky Skies
R.Carlos Nakai           Feather, Stone &    Feather,Stone &
Sheila Chandra           One                 Roots & Wings
C.C. Dome                DR II               The Dream Furious EP
Happy Valley             Alcfa               Voyage Into Indigo
Bob Holroyd              Earthwatching       A Different Space

                       Second Half Hour
Feature: Joanne Shenandoah

Joanne Shenandoah        The Good Message    Peacemaker's Journey
Patrick Leonard          The Lamar Valley    Rivers
Stephen Micus            Passing Cloud       The Garden of
David Helpling           Deeper Still        Sleeping on the Edge
                                             of the World

                        Third Half Hour
Frank Van Bogaert        Earth               Geographic
Alpha Wave Mov't         Silent Promise      Drifted Into Deeper
Vas                      In The Garden Of    In The Garden Of
                         Souls               Souls
Michael Stearns          Lunar Alignments    The Middle of Time

                        Fourth Half Hour
Tino Izzo                Samba del Viento    Nostalgia Trails
Gary Stroutsos &         Hidden World        Hidden World
 Jonn Serrie          
Steve Stevens            Cinecita            Flamenco.A.Go.Go.
Dougie MacLean           Perthshire Amber    Perthsire Amber
Michael Hoppe/           The Waiting         Afterglow
 Tim Wheater/
 Martin Tillman
Lisa Gerrard             Now We Are Free     The Gladiator

ID#00-J07-00149 Thursday 27, 2000 (Echoes Program 30I)

ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING

                    First Half Hour
Uttara Kuru         Wings Of The Eagle  East Wind

Deuter              Wind In The Trees   Garden of the Gods
George Winston      Rainsong            Plains
Jaia                L'iveresse des      Sky Dancing*
Dougie MacLean      The Search          Perthshire Amber

                    Second Half Hour
Robert Tree Cody &  Procession Of The   Crossroads
 Xavier Quijas       Jaguar Kings             
Chinmaya Dunster    Right Samadi        Feng Shui
Sounds From The     Rye                 Terra Firma 
Nicholas Gunn       Flight Of The       Return To The Grand  
                    Condar              Canyon
Willie & Lobo       Tatiana             Siente

                    Third Half Hour
Anima               Sacred Ground       The Spirit of Mese Verde
Samite              Cradle With Love    Stars To Share
Runestone           Revelation          Swirling Dreams
Mizuyo Komiya       Path                Lullaby
Aine Minogue        Fyvie Castle        Between The World
Patrick O'Hearn     Black Delilah       El Dorado

                    Fourth Half Hour
Feature: Partick Leonard Living Room Concert

                    Composition         Original CD
Patrick Leonard     Lewis/Shoshone      Rivers
Patrick Leonard     The Slough          Rivers
Patrick Leonard     The Lamer Valley    Rivers 
Patrick Leonard     Boy Scouts &        Rivers
Patrick Leonard     Improvisation       Unreleased

Chris Spheeris      Magaya              Dancing With The Muse

ID#00-J07-00150 Friday, July 28, 2000 (Echoes Program 30J)

ARTIST              SELECTION           RECORDING
                    First Half Hour
Steve Stevens       Letter To A Memory  Flamenco.A.Go.Go

Alpha Wave Mov't    Another Time,       Drifted Into Deeper Lands
                    Another Place                 
Rasa                Ganesha Shararam    Devotion
Mark Dwane          Amazon              Archiva

                    Second Half Hour
Feature: Steve Stevens

Steve Stevens       Velvet Cage         Flamenco.A.Go.Go.
Steve Roach &       Black Cloud         Ritual Ground
 Elmar Schulte       
Guy Kark            Camel Song          Canaan
Michael Stearns     Chaco Landlight     The Middle of Time

                    Third Half Hour
Sorma               Satie's Sari        Mirage of the East
Arvo Part           Fur Alina           Alina
Soulfood            Chamber 12          Wingmakers
Happy Rhodes        If Wishes Were      Many Worlds Are Born
                    Horses               Tonight

                    Fourth Half Hour
Jeff Pearce         Veil of Lake Snow   To The Shores of Heaven
Mino Cinelo         Namonale            Mino Cinelo
Gary Stroutsos &    Earth Sky           Hidden World
 Jonn Serrie
Faithless           Drifting Away       Chilled Euphoria*
Katcha              Touched By God      Chilled Euphoria*
Odessi              Moments of Ambience Chilled Euphoria*

Copyright 2000 Pennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc.

ARTIST                TITLE / PRICE               ITEM#
Air                   Virgin Suicides $16.98      A120
Ancient Future        Asian Fusion $14.98         A19
Anderson, Laurie      Bright Red $17.98           A37
Axiom of Choice       Niya Yesh $17.98            A121 
Berkley, Michael T.   Arctic                      N/A 
Bjornstad & Darling   Epigraphs $17.98            B165 
Brion, Jon            Magnolia                    N/a
Chandra, Sheila       Roots & Wings $16.98        C34
Danna, Mychael        Girl, Interrupted SDTK      N/A
Delago, Hermann       Trancealpin                      N/A 
Draghici, Damian      Gypsy Journey               N/A   
Dunster, Chinmaya     Feng Shui $16.98                 D115    
Dwane, Mark           Archives                         N/A 
Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 5 $15.98         E99 
Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 4 $15.98         E98
Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 3 $15.98         E97
Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol. 2 $15.98         E96
Echoes Door in the Air Vol. 1 $9.98 CASS. ONLY  E1CS
Enya                  The Celts $18.98            E41
Evenson, Dean         Tao of Healing $16.98       E83
Finger, Peter         Open Strings $17.98         F55
Fire Crow, Joseph     Cheyenne Nation $16.98      F56 
Garcia, Ruben         Lakeland                    N/A 
Gerrard, Lisa &       The Insider Sndtk $18.98     G109 
   Pieter Bourke
Gunn, Nicholas        Return to Grand Canyon $16.98     G113 
Hart, Mickey          Spirit into Sound $17.98    H103
Hedges, Michael       The Best of $17.98          H105 
Hoinrich & Gascoigne  Emerald Forest SDTK         out of print
Holroyd, Bob          A Different Space           N/A
Izzo, Tino            Nostalgia Trails                 N/A 
Jalan Jalan           Bali $19.98 import          J31
Jhno                  Membrane $16.98                  *membrane 
Jhaveri, Shweta       Anahita $17.98              J32
Keane, Brian          New York SDTK               N/A
Kennedy               Classic Kennedy $17.98      K78
Komiya, Mizuyo        Lullaby $19.98 import       K74 
Lamond, Mary Jane     Lan Duil $18.98                  L70
Leonard, Patrick      Rivers $17.98               L74 
Levin, Tony           Waters of Eden $16.98       L72
Lien, Annbjorg        Baba Yaga $17.98            L66
Lin, Caryn            Tolerance for Ambiguity $16.98 L45
MacLean, Dougie       Perthshire Amber $17.98          M140 
Mays, Lyle            Solo $17.98                      M139 
Merman, The           The Amazing California Heal      N/A 
                        That Happiness Road Show 
Mertens, Wim          In Your Ear 2: Scores $17.98 I29
Metheny, Pat          Map of the World Sndtck $17.98   A117 
Mishra, Sanjay        Rescue                      N/A
Monk                  Blink $16.98                M128
Moodafaruka           La Luna Lounge $16.98       M121
Newman, Thomas        American Beauty SDTK        N/A 
Newman, Thomas        Erin Brockovich SDTK        N/A 
O'Hearn, Patrick      Metaphor $14.98             O43
Orbit, William        Pieces in a Modern Style $17.98  O67
Ostroushko, Peter     Sacred Heart $17.98         O70 
O'Connor/Ma/Meyer     Appalachian Journey $17.98  M137 
O'Lionaird, Iarla     I Could Read the Sky $16.98      O69 
Oregon                Best of Vanguard Years      O68
Otten, Thomas         Close to Silence $17.98     O66
Pearce, Jeff          To the Shores of Heaven $16.98 P77 
Penguin Cafe Orch.    Oskar & Leni SDTK $17.98    P72
Phillips, Barry       Cello $17.98                P79 
Price, Kate           The Isle of Dreaming $17.98 P78 
Rasa                  Devotion $16.98             R110 
Revell, Graeme        The Insider SDTK            N/A
Roach & Reyes         Vine, Bark & Spore          N/A
Sakamoto, Ryuichi     BTTB $17.98                 S200
Serrie, Jonn          Century Seasons $24.98      S212 double
Shastro               Tantric Heart $16.98        S206
Shenandoah, Joanne    Peacemaker's Journey $16.98 S197 
Skyedance             Labyrinth $16.98            S202
Sorma                 Mirage of the East $19.98   S207 
Soulfood              Wingmakers                  N/A
Spacecraft            Kaleida Dreams              N/A
Spriggs, Michael      Without Words $15.98        S195
Stivell, Alan         Back to Breizh $17.98       S209
Stokes, Saul          Outfolding $16.98           S215 
Teng, Suzanne         Mystic Journey $16.98       T98 
Tibbetts, Steve       Northern Song $17.98        T11
Vas                   In the Garden of Souls $17.98 V6 
Westhorpe, Rick       Music from Holy Vale        N/A 
White, Andrew         Guitarra Celtica $17.98     W101
Wild Colonials        Reel Life Vol. 1 $16.98     W102
Wollo, Erik           Guitar Nova                 N/A 
Yoshida, Kiyoshi      Asian Dreams $19.98 import  Y14
Zimmer & Gerrard      Gladiator SDTK $17.98       

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