For the Week of July 6, 1998

The following playlist is for one (1) week of ECHOES programming (5 days, 2

hours per day).  Your local station may run only certain segments or one

day of programming from this week's list especially if you hear Echoes on a

weekend. Your station may also reverse the hours of Echoes, so that half

hours 3&4 become 1&2.


*    We are pleased to offer many of the recordings you hear on ECHOES   *

*    through our ECHODISC catalog.  Following the playlist you'll find   *

*    pricing of recordings from the catalog.  If an album is not listed  *

*    with a price that means it is not available through ECHODISC.       *

*    You'll find ordering information at the end of this playlist.  If   *

*    you'd like to receive our free ECHODISC catalog, you can call       *

*    800-321-ECHO or e-mail us at: [email protected].  If you want a     *

*    catalog, be sure to give us your postal address.                    *

*    You can also find the catalog and Echoes information on our world   *

*    Wide Web page.  The URL is                  *


                           HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE WEEK

                            FEATURES FOR THE WEEK

                Monday, July 6, 1998 (ECHOES Program X-13)


Brazilian Singer, Fortuna, brings her Sephardic Jewish songs to the Echoes

living room, performing these serene hymns with her soaring soprano voice

joined by Spanish guitar and percussion.  Fortuna has been called the

Brazilian Enya and has three albums out, La Prima Fez, Cantigas and

Mediteraneo.  She also appears on two recent collections from Putamayo,

Romantica and Women of Spirit.

                Tuesday, July 7,1998 (Echoes Program W-28)


Mychael & Jeff Danna are brothers who have made their marks in film and

television soundtracks.  Mychael is also a noted composer of ambient music.

Together however, they track down a Celtic sound, turning their

synthesizers into an orchestra.  Their first album, A Celtic Tale (Hearts

O' Space) explored the legend of Diedre.  Their latest Celtic reverie is A

Celtic Romance.

               Wednesday, July 8, 1998 (Echoes Program X-28)


Pierre Bensusan enters the Echoes living room and cranks up his acoustic

guitar for a half hour of intricate finger-picking and melodies that draw

from Celtic, Moorish and eastern influences.  He plays music from his

latest CD, Live In Paris (Zebra Acoustic) as well as some older classics.

                       Friday, June 26, 1998 (Z-28)


You've heard Craig Armstrong's music even if you haven't heard of Craig

Armstrong.  He's done string arrangements for Massive Attack and Madonna

and scored the film, Romeo & Juliet.  Now he's put the strings in front for

an inventive new album, The Space Between Us (Caroline).  Armstrong mounts

his orchestra on trip-hop beats and cinematic expanses.  At Air Studios in

London, we talk with Craig Armstrong about strings in a rock world.


*denotes compilation

ID# 98-J07-00133 Monday, July 6, 1998 (Echoes Program X-13)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                                  First Half Hour

Kevin Braheny                     Forgiveness             Secret Rooms

Vox                               O Successores           Diadema

                                  Fortissime Leonis

Aine Minogue                      The Butterfly           Circle of the Sun

Tim Farrell                       Joyride to              Sky Dancer


Bang on a Can                     1/1                     Music for Airports

                                  Second Half Hour


ARTIST                            SELECTION               ORIGINAL RECORDING

Fortuna                           Dane Tu Fuerza          Women of Spirit

Fortuna                           Halelu'ya               Mediterraneo

Fortuna                           La Consagracion de      Mediterraneo


Fortuna                           Ha Mavdil               La Prima Vez

William Lopez                     Maine Song              The Journey

Michael Brook                     Shona Bridge            Cobalt Blue

                                  Third Half Hour

Bartz                             Strange Alliance        P.O.E.A.S.

Mychael Danna                     Finale (excerpt)        The Ice Storm

Vicki Richards                    Monsoon                 Parting the Waters

Will Ackerman                     Lion's in the Sky       Sound of Wind

                                                          Driven Rain

Jeff Pearce                       The Outer Circle        Vestiges

                                  Fourth Half Hour

Robin Bullock                     Tiger Baby's Lullaby    Between Earth and


Mecca Bodega                      One Winged Angel        Hammered Dulcimer

Dead Can Dance                    Nierika                 Echoes Living Room

                                                    Concerts V3

Patrick O'Hearn                   Amazon Waltz            Eldorado

Peter Ratzenbeck                  Dolphin's Dance         Travelogue

Ulli                              A Touch of Yearning     Ageless


        ID# 98-J07-00134 Tuesday, July 7,1998 (Echoes Proram W-28)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                               First Half Hour

Vicki Richards                    Parting the Waters      Parting the Waters

Gavin Lurssen                     Slow Burn               Restless

Open Canvas                       Haj                     Nomadic


Madonna                           Mer Girl                Ray of Light

Frank Steiner Jr.                 K'an                    I Ching Symphony

                              Second Half Hour

Night Ark                         Lullaby for the Sun     In Wonderland

Tuatara                           Wormwood                Trading with the


Marina Raye                       The Light of            Womanspirit


Graeme Revell                     Chinese Box Theme       Chinese Box

Tuu                               Migration               Mesh

                                  Third Half Hour

Mark Rownd                        Earthbody, Spiritbody   Painting Twilight

Philip Glass                      Dreaming of Fiji        The Truman Show

Bela Fleck                        Shanti                  Left of Cool

Karl Jenkins                      Mare Vaporum            Imagined Oceans

David Michael/                    Sky Safari              Courtship of The


Randy Mead

Lisa Gerrard/                     Nadir                   Duality

Pieter Bourke

                                  Fourth Half Hour


Mychael & Jeff Danna              Diaoha Mo Chaim         A Celtic Romance

Liz Story                         The Promise             17 Seconds to


California Guitar Trio            Arroyo                  Pathways

Ketil Bjornstad &                 Agnes                   The Sea II

David Darling

Monk                              Tatoo                   Hush


      ID# 98-J07-00135 Wednesday, July 8, 1998 (Echoes Program X-28)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                               First Half Hour

Magical Strings                   Warm Island             Islands Calling

Baka Beyond                       Mountain Song           Journey Between

Redshift                          Bombers in the Desert   Ether

Badi Assad                        Ponta de Areia          Chameleon

Mark Biehl                        Mustang                 Landscapes

                              Second Half Hour


ARTIST                            SELECTION               ORIGINAL RECORDING

Pierre Bensusan                   The Alchemist           Live in Paris

Pierre Bensusan                   Voyage for Ireland/     Musique

                                  Flemish Suite with Apples

Pierre Bensusan                   untitled                unknown

Pierre Bensusan                   Flau Morgen Aire?       Unknown

                               Third Half Hour

Michael Gulezian                  Nothing is Always       The Dare of an



Robin Bullock                     Tiger Baby's Lullaby    Between Earth &


Clannad                           Siul a Run              An Diolaim

Tim Farrell                       Joyride to Tranquility  Sky Dancer

Michael Gettel                    Summer Rain             San Juan Suite

Arc                               Who Walks Behind You    Octane

                              Fourth Half Hour

John Doan                         Branles de Village      The Renaissance

Album *

Esteban                           Blue Lotus              Enter the Heart

Various Artists                   Chinese Canon           Bliss *

Soulfood                          Wayob                   Breathe


ID# 98-J07-00136 Thursday, July 9, 1998 (Echoes Program Y-28)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                               First Half Hour

Jay Scott                         Hell & Half of Georgia  Miranda's Waltz

Mark Isham                        Part 3                  Tibet

Caroline Lavelle                  Turning Ground          Spirit

Misha Alperin                     Psalm #2                North Story

Maire Brennan                     Doon Well               Perfect Time

                              Second Half Hour

Danny Heines                      A Piano Between Us      Vanishing Borders

Love Spirals Downwards            Subsequently            Ardor

Ma Je Le / Vir Unis               Imaginarium             Imaginarium

Will Ackerman                     Hawk Circle             Sound of Wind

Driven Rain

Air                               Talisman                Moon Safari

                               Third Half Hour

Davy Spillane                     Dark Light              A Place Among the


Esteban                           Silver Raine            Enter the Heart

Paul Machlis                      At the Wooden Bridge    Green Woods

Emerald Web                       Manatee Dreams          Manatee Dreams of


                              Fourth Half Hour

John Wubbenhorst                  Himalayan               Facing East

Jeff Johnson &                    The Bard & The Warrior  Music of Celtic


Brian Dunning

Mox                               Bubble                  Mox

Alex De Grassi                    Turning                 Turning: Turning


Autumn's Child                    The Hanging Road        Born out of


Ayub Ogada                        Kothbiro                Bliss *


ID# 98-J07-00137 Friday,July 10, 1998 (Echoes Program Z-28)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                               First Half Hour

Ottmar Liebert                    Morning Arrival         VIVA!

                                   In Goa

Thomas Newman                     Prince Rupert's Drop    Oscar & Lucinda

Michael Thomas Berkley            Dawn                    Images Of Earth

Nakai /Khechog                    Compassion              Winds of Devotion

Mark Dwane                        Paradigm Shift          Paradigm Shift

                                  Second Half Hour

Jean-Michael Jarre                Oxygene 7               Oxygene 7-13

Capercaille                       M'Ionam                 Beautiful


Jesse Cook                        Breathing Below Surface Vertigo

Ancient Pathways                  Rosetta Stone           Ancient Pathways

                                  Third Half Hour

David Michael /                   Moonlight Waltz         Courtship of The


  Randy Mead

Kitaro                            Gaia                    Gaia

Steve Roach                       A Circular Ceremony     Dreamtime Return

Alan Stivell                      A United Earth II       1 Douar (One


Ulli                              A Touch of Yearning     Ageless

                                  Fourth Half Hour


Craig Armstrong                   Laura's Theme           The Space Between


Richard Bone                      The Serpentine Arcade   The Spectral Ships

Simpson/Hidalgo/                  The Slow Pagent         Kanbara Music

  Krishman/ Srinovasan                                     In Native Tongues




Ackerman, Will               Sound of Wind Driven Rain($15.98/$10.98)

Air                          Moon Safari ($16.98)

Ancient Pathways             Ancient Pathways ($17.98)

Arc                          Octane ($18.98)

Armstrong, Craig             The Space Between Us ($16.98)

Assad, Badi                  Chameleon ($16.98)

Autumn's Child               Born Out of Silence ($17.98)

Baka Beyond                  Journey Between ($17.98)

Bang on a Can                Music for Airports ($17.98)

Bartz                        P.O.E.A.S. ($15.98)

Beihl, Mark                  Landscapes ($17.98)

Bensusan, Pierre             Live In Paris ($17.98)

    Didier, Malherbe

Berkley, Michael T.          Images From Earth ($17.98)

Bliss *                      ($16.98)

Bone, Richard                The Spectral Ships (NEW)

Brennan, Maire               Perfect Time (New-$17.98)

Clannad                      An Diolaim ($17.98/$10.98)

Darling & Bjornstad          The Sea II ($17.98)

De Grassi, Alex              Turning: Turning Back ($15.98/$10.98)

Dwane, Mark                  Paradigm Shift ($14.98)

Kevin Braheny                Secret Rooms ($15.98)

Brook, Michael               Cobalt Blue ($17.98)

Bullock, Robin               Between Earth and Sky ($17.98)

California                   Pathways ($17.98)

  Guitar Trio

Capercaillie                 Beautiful Wasteland (New)

Cooke, Jesse                 Vertigo ($17.98)

Danna, Mychael               The Ice Storm* ($17.98)

Danna, Mychael /             A Celtic Romance ($15.98)

  Danna, Jeff

Dead Can Dance               Echoes Living Room Concerts Vol.3 ($15.98)

Dolan, John                  Renaissance Album *          ($15.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 3                      ($15.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 2                      ($15.98)

Echoes Door In The Air Volume 1                           ($15.98/$9.98)

Esteban                      Enter The Heart ($17.98)

Farrell, Tim                 Skydancer ($15.98/$8.98)

Fleck, Bela                  Left Of Cool ($17.98)

Fortuna                      Mediterraneo ($18.98, import)

Fortuna                      Women of Spirit * ($17.98)

Fortuna                      La Prima Vez ($18.98, import)

Kitaro                       Gaia ($17.98)

Gettel, Michael              San Juan Suite II ($13.98 /$8.98)

Gulezian, Michael            The Dare Of An Angel ($13.98/$7.98)

Heines, Danny                Vanishing Borders ($15.98/$9.98)

Isham, Mark                  Tibet ($15.98/$10.98)

Jenkins, Karl                Imagined Oceans ($17.98)

Johnson & Dunning            Music of Celtic Legends ($15.98)

Gerrard / Bourke             Duality ($18.98)

Glass, Phillip               The Truman Show ($17.98)

Jarre, Jean-Michael          Oxygene 7-13 ($17.98)

Lavelle, Caroline            Spirit ($16.98)

Liebert, Ottmar              VIVA ($17.98/$10.98)

Love Spirals                 Ardor ($17.98)


Lurssen, Gavin               Restless ($17.98)

Machlis, Paul                Greenwoods ($16.98)

Madonna                      Impressions Ray Of Light ($17.98)

Magical Strings              Islands Calling ($16.98)

Ma Ja Le / Vir Unis          Imaginarium (17.98)

Mecca Bodega                 Hammered Dulcimer ($17.98)

Michael & Mead               Courtship of the Moon ($15.98)

Minogue, Aine                Circle of the Sun ($17.98)

Monk                         Hush ($16.98)

MOX                          MOX ($15.98)

Nakai / Khechog              Winds Of Devotion ($16.98/$10.98)

Newman, Thomas               Oscar & Lucinda ($17.98)

Night Ark                    In Wonderland ($17.98)

O'Hearn, Patrick             Eldorado ($15.98)

Ogada, Ayub                  Bliss*  ($15.98)

Open Canvas                  Nomadic Impressions (Import, $18.98)

Pearce, Jeff                 Vestiges ($13.98)

Ratzenbeck, Peter            Travelogue ($17.98)

Raye, Marinia                Woman Spirit ($17.98)

Redshift                     Ether ($19.98)

Renaissance Album *          ($15.98)

Revell, Grame                Chinese Box (New $17.98)

Richards, Vickie             Parting The Waters ($17.98)

Roach, Steve                 Dreamtime Return

                               (Double CD $25.98/$13.98)

Rownd, Mark                  Painting Twilight ($17.98)

Scott, Jay                   Miranda's Waltz ($14.98)

Simpson/Krishman             Kambara Music In Native Tongues (New)


Soul Food                    Breathe (Two CD's) ($24.98)

Spillane, Davy               A Place Among The Stones ($19.98)

Steiner, Frank Jr.           I Ching Symphony ($17.98)

Stivell, Alan                1 Dovar (One Earth) (NEW)

Story, Liz                   17 Seconds to Anywhere ($15.98)

TUU                          Mesh ($16.98)

Tuatara                      Trading With The Enemy ($17.98)

Ulli                         Ageless ($17.98)

Vox                          Diadema ($16.98/$10.98)

Web, Emerald                 Manatee Dreams ($17.98)

Wubbenhorst, John            Facing East ($14.98)


Pricing on this playlist expires 9/30/98

Pricing is subject to change without notice.

                          ORDERING FROM ECHODISC

You can order CDs and cassettes from Echodisc, via the e-mail, voice-mail,

FAX or the Postal service.  Please note, all Pennsylvania residents must

submit 6% sales tax on their order. For all methods other than post, we

need a Visa/Mastercard/Discover or American Express number and expiration

date. Credit card orders require a $15.00 minimum.

                              Shipping Costs

Regular Shipping 1 items   $3.00    1-5 items 2nd Day Air $11.00

Regular Shipping 2-5 items $5.50    6-8 items 2nd Day Air $13.00

Regular Shipping 6-8 items $6.50    9+ items 2nd Day Air $15.00

Regular Shipping 9+ items  FREE

                    FOR NEXT DAY AIR RATES, PLEASE CALL!

                   Our TOLL FREE number for ORDERING ONLY


                          E-mail: [email protected]


