For the Week of June 8, 1998

The following playlist is for one (1) week of ECHOES programming (5 days, 2

hours per day).  Your local station may run only certain segments or one

day of programming from this week's list especially if you hear Echoes on a

weekend. Your station may also reverse the hours of Echoes, so that half

hours 3&4 become 1&2.


*    We are pleased to offer many of the recordings you hear on ECHOES   *

*    through our ECHODISC catalog.  Following the playlist you'll find   *

*    pricing of recordings from the catalog.  If an album is not listed  *

*    with a price that means it is not available through ECHODISC.       *

*    You'll find ordering information at the end of this playlist.  If   *

*    you'd like to receive our free ECHODISC catalog, you can call       *

*    800-321-ECHO or e-mail us at: [email protected].  If you want a     *

*    catalog, be sure to give us your postal address.                    *

*    You can also find the catalog and Echoes information on our world   *

*    Wide Web page.  The URL is                  *


                           HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE WEEK

                Monday, June 8, 1998 (ECHOES Program V-24)


Gustavo Santaolalla grew up in Argentina and has played everything from hard

rock to traditional folk.  He still produces alternative Latin bands, but


just put out an album that shows his more meditative side.  It's called

"Ronrocco" (Nonesuch), named for the larger version of the South American

instrument, the charango.  Using multi-track layering, Santaolalla create

meditative vignettes of shimmering designs.  He talks about his work on


              Wednesday, June 10, 1998 (Echoes Program X-24)


Talk to any acoustic string player under 50 and the name PIERRE BENSUSAN


likely be spoken, usually in tones of awe.  This young French guitarist cut

his first album at age 17 in 1975.  Since then he's made recordings for

Rounder records and Windham Hill, all fusing his electric guitar style that

merges Celtic, Middle Eastern and folk elements.  His latest album is "Live

In Paris" (Zebra Acoustic).  Pierre Bensusan talks about his individualistic


                       Friday, June 12, 1998 (Z-24)


Lisa Gerrard  is the mesmerizing singer from Dead Can Dance.  Pieter Bourke

is a synthesist with Soma.  Together they force one of Lisa's most evocative

and rhythmic albums, Duality (4AD).  Lisa & Pieter talk about the

psychological states and world rhythmic grooves they explore.


*denotes compilation

                 Monday, June 8, 1998 (Echoes Program V-24)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                                  First Half Hour

Will Ackerman                     Driving                 Sound Of Wind

                                                          Driven Rain

Stein & Walder                    Echoes                  A Door In The Air

Rudiger Opperman                  Emerald Forest          Unchain My Harp

Klaus Schulze                     Dresden 3               The Dresden


                                  Second Half Hour

Ken Bonfield                      Dancing With Shadows    Homecoming

Ron Boots                         Too Many Secrets        Too Many Secrets

Peter Gabriel                     Zaar                    Bliss*

Lisa Gerrard &

    Peter Bourke                  Nadir                   Duality

Tracy & Thea Silverman            Suliram                 On A Starry Night*

Pierre Bensusan /                 Fetish                  Live In Paris

   Didier Malherbe

                                  Third Half Hour

One Alternative                   Boulder Sky             Changes

Mary McLaughlin /                 Stor Mo Chroi           Celtic Requiem

   Wm. Coulter

Ralf Illenberger                  Face Shift              Sedona

Mark Hafer                        Cavern                  Eturnum

Marina Raye                       The Light Of Aphrodite  Woman Spirit

                                  Fourth Half Hour


Santaolalla                       Jardin                  Ronroco

George Winston                    Hummingbird             All The Seasons


David Michael /                   Night Flight            Courtship of

    Randy Mead                                            The Moon

Mark Rownd                        Eyes of Azure           Painting



                  Tuesday, June 9,1998 (Echoes Proram Y-17)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                                  First Half Hour

Angels of Venice                  China Moon              Awake Inside a


Ken Bonfield                      Floating                Homecoming

Liz Story                         17 Seconds to Anywhere  17 Seconds to


Mychael Danna                     Shoplift                The Ice Storm

Peter Gabriel                     I Grieve (edit)         City of Angels

Vidna Obmana                      Forest Arrow            Crossing The Trail

                                  Second Half Hour

Will Ackerman                     Unconditional           Sounds of Wind



Cherish The Ladies                Her Mantle So Green     Threads of Time

Baka Beyond                       Mbe'                    Journey Between

Douglas Spotted Eagle             Coming Home             Pray

Rodelius                          Isleta                  Aquerello

Jeff Pearce                       The Outer Circle        Vestiges

                                  Third Half Hour

Eberhard Young                    En Soleil               Sticks & Stones

Frank Steiner, Jr.                K'an                    I Ching Symphony

Soul Food                         Wisdom                  Breathe

Lisa Gerrard /                    Forest Vail             Duality

  Pieter Bourke

Inkhay                            Flor del Camp           Soul of the


                                  Fourth Half Hour

Ceoltori                          Women Of Ireland        Women Of Ireland

Mark Rownd                        Before There Was Rain   Painting Twilight

Pilgrimage                        Ceremony                9 Songs of Ecstacy

Vicki Richards                    Parting The Waters      Parting The Waters

Mary Youngblood                   Grandmother's           The Offering

                                  Last Sunset

Robert Fripp                      November Suite IV       November Suite


               Wednesday, June 10, 1998 (Echoes Program X-24)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                                  First Half Hour

Liz Story                         Out Of Time             17 Seconds to


Nakai, Eaton, Clipman             Magicians of the        Red Wind

                                    Red Wind

Patrick O'Hearn                   3 Circles               Trust

Vas                               Roya                    Echoes Living Room

                                                          Concerts Volume 3

David Michael &                   Procession of           Courtship of The


  Randy Mead                        the Stars

                                  Second Half Hour


Pierre Bensusan                   The Alchemist           Live In Paris

Tingstad & Rumbel                 Don Juan                American Acoustic

Edgar Froese                      Specific Gravity        Pinnacles

                                     of Smile

                                  Third Half Hour

Michael Thomas Berkley            Liquid Canopy           Images from Earth

Baka Beyond                       Mountain Song           Journey Between

Ken Bonfield                      Taos                    Homecoming

Graeme Revell                     Chinese Box Theme       Chinese Box

                                  Fourth Half Hour

Steve Roach & Roger King          Gone West               Dust To Dust

Ralf Illenberger                  Secret Canyon           Sedona

Maire Brennan                     The Children Paisti     Perfect Time

Kitaro                            Gaia                    Gaia

John Wubbenhorst                  Himalayan               Facing East


                Thursday, June 11, 1998 (Echoes Program Y-24)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                            THE ECHOES COVER SHOW

                                  First Half Hour

Fareed Haque                      Almost Cut My Hair      Deja Vu

Nightnoise                        Moondance               The White Horse


Ulli                              Angie                   Ageless

Project Lo                        Mercy Street            Black Canvas

Dean De Benedictus                Phaedra                 Tangerine


                                  Second Half Hour

Jeffrey Edge                      Nothing Else Matters    Homeless, But Free

John Weider                       San Francisco Nights    Essence

Bang On A Can                     1/1                     Music For Airports

Ken Bonfield                      La Petite Martha        Homecoming

One Alternative                   Night Meets Light       Yet To Be

                                  Third Half Hour

Antonio Calogero                  The Golden Gate         La Rosa Del


Paul Winter                       Waltz Of The Ravens     Canyon Lullaby

Night Ark                         Lullaby For The Sun     In Wonderland

Mary McLaughlin /                 The Weeping Of The      Celtic Requiem

   Wm. Coulter                    Worker In The Slaughter

Badi Assad                        Waves                   Chameleon

Marina Raye                       Compassion              Womanspirit

                                  Fourth Half Hour

Jesse Cook                        Breathing Below The     Vertigo


Bernd Scholl                      Moondance               Light Of The Moon

Air                               Talisman                Moon Safari

Red Shift                         Bombers In The Desert   Ether

Soul Food                         Deeper                  Breathe


                         Friday, June 12, 1998 (Z-24)

ARTIST                            SELECTION               RECORDING

                                  First Half Hour

Tim Farrell                       Four Echoes             Sky Dancer

Mason Daring                      (Excerpt)               Men With Guns

Esteban                           Blue Lotus              Enter The Heart

The Guo Brothers                  Soldiers Of The         Bliss *

                                  Long March

James McNally                     Mo Gra                  EveryBreath

                                  Second Half Hour

Philip Glass                      Raising The Sail        The Truman Show

Irina Mikhailova                  Vessna                  Gothica

Autumn's Child                    The Hanging Road        Born Out Of


Angels of Venice                  After The Harvest       Summer Solstice*

Nakai/Eaton/Clipman               Arriving At Now         Red Wind

Bela Fleck                        Shanti                  Left Of Cool

                                  Third Half Hour

Oruc Guvenc                       Rast 2                  Rivers Of One

Anthony Phillips /                Underwater Forest       Time And Tide

   Joji Hirota

Alpha Wave Movement               Across The Abyss        Soundscape Gallery


                                   Of Time

Tingstad & Rumbel                 Medicine Tree           American


Peter Gabriel                     I Grieve                City Of Angels*

                                  Fourth Half Hour


Lisa Gerrard /                    Shadow Magnet           Duality

    Pieter Bourke

Roedelius                         Deep Blue               Aquarello

Mychael & Jeff Danna              Iona                    A Celtic Romance

Armen Chakmakian                  Distant Lands           Ceremonies




Ackerman, Will            Sound of Wind Driven Rain($15.98/$10.98)

Air                               Moon Safari ($16.98)

Alpha Wave Movement               Sound Scape Gallery #2 ($18.98)

Angels of Venice                  Awake Inside A Dream ($15.98/$9.98)

Assad, Badi                       Chameleon ($16.98)

Autumn's Child                    Born Out of Silence ($17.98)

Baka Beyond                       Journey Between ($17.98)

Bang On A Can                     Music For Airports ($17.98)

Benedictus, Dean De               Tangerine Ambience ($17.98)

Bensusan, Pierre                  Live In Paris  ($17.98)

   Didier Malherbe

Berkley, Michael Thomas           Images From Earth ($17.98)

Bonfield, Ken                     Homecoming ($15.98/$8.98)

Boots, Ron                        Too Many Secrets ($18.98 import)

Calogero, Antonio                 La Rosa DelDeserto (NEW)

Chakmakian, Armen                 Ceremonies ($17.98)

Cherish the Ladies                Threads of Time ($17.98)

Cook, Jesse                       Vertigo (New - $17.98)

Danna, Mychael                    The Ice Storm ($17.98)

Danna, Mychael & Jeff             A Celtic Romance ($15.98)

Daring, Mason                     Men With Guns ($17.98)

Douglas Spotted Eagle             Pray ($17.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 3 ($15.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 2 ($15.98)

Edge, Jeffrey                     Homeless, Put Free ($15.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 1 ($15.98/$9.98)

Farrell, Tim                      Sky Dancer              ($15.98)

Fripp, Robert                     November Suite ($17.98)

Froese, Edgar                     Pinnacles (

Gabriel, Peter                    City Of Angels ($17.98)

Gabriel, Peter                    Bliss ($16.98)*

Gerrard/Bourke                    Duality ($18.98)

Glass, Phillip                    The Truman Show * ($17.98)

Guo Brothers                      Bliss * ($16.98)

Guvenc, Oruc                      Rivers of One ($17.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 3 ($15.98)

Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 2 ($15.98)

Echoes "A Door In The Air" Volume 1 ($15.98/$9.98)

Fleck, Bela                       Left Of Cool ($17.98)

Hafer, Mark                       Eturnum ($15.98)

Haque, Fareed                     Deja Vu ($17.98)

Inkhay                            Soul Of the Andes ($13.98)

Kitaro                            Gaia ($17.98)

Illenberger, Ralf                 Sedoda  ($17.98)

McLaughlin Mary /                 Celtic Requiem  ($16.98/$10.98)

   Coulter, Wm

McNally, James                    Every Breath (New)

Michael, David /                  Courtship of the Moon ($15.98)

   Mead, Randy

Mikhailova, Irina                 Gothic ($17.98)

Nakai, Easton, Chipman            Red Wind ($16.98)

Night Ark                         In Wonderland (NEW)

Nightnoise                        A Different Shore ($15.98/$10.98)

Obmana, Vidna                     Crossing The Trail ($17.98)

On A Starry Night                 Lullabies Collection($15.98/$10.98)

One Alternative                   Changes ($12.98)

One Alternative                   Yet To Be ($12.98)

Opperman, Rudiger                 Unchain My Harp ($17.98)

Pearce, Jeff                      Vestiges ($13.98)

Phillips /Hirota                  Time & Tide(Import,$18.98)

Pilgrimage                        9 Songs of Ecstacy ($17.98)

Project Lo                        Black Canvas ($14.98)

Raye, Marina                      Woman Spirit (New $17.98)

Red Shift                         Ether ($19.98)

Revell, Graeme                    Chinese Box (New)

Richards, Vicki                   Parting The Waters ($17.98)

Roach / King                      Dust To Dust ($17.98)

Roedelius                         Aquarello ($17.98)

Rownd, Mark                       Painting Twilight ($17.98)

Santaolalla, Gustavo              Ronroco ($17.98)

Schulze, Klaus                    The Dresden Performance ($24.50)

Scholl, Bernd                     Light Of The Moon (New)

Soul Food                         Breathe (Two CD's)($24.98)

Steiner, Frank Jr.                I Ching Symphony  ($17.98)

Story, Liz                        17 Seconds to Anywhere ($15.98)

Soul Food                         Breathe (Two CD's)($24.98)

Tingstad & Rumbel                 American Acoustic ($7.98)

Ulli                              Ageless($17.98)

Vas                               Echoes Living Room Concert Vol.3($15.98)

Weider, John                      Essence ($17.98)

Winston, George                   All The Seasons of....($15.98/$10.98)

Winter, Paul                      Canyon Lullaby ($15.98)

Wubbenhorst, John                 Facing East ($14.98)

Young, Rob Eberhard               Sticks & Stones ($16.98)

Youngblood, Mary                  The Offering ($17.98)


Pricing on this playlist expires 9/30/98

Pricing is subject to change without notice.

                          ORDERING FROM ECHODISC

You can order CDs and cassettes from Echodisc, via the e-mail, voice-mail,

FAX or the Postal service.  Please note, all Pennsylvania residents must

submit 6% sales tax on their order. For all methods other than post, we

need a Visa/Mastercard/Discover or American Express number and expiration

date. Credit card orders require a $15.00 minimum.

                              Shipping Costs

Regular Shipping 1 items   $3.00    1-5 items 2nd Day Air $11.00

Regular Shipping 2-5 items $5.50    6-8 items 2nd Day Air $13.00

Regular Shipping 6-8 items $6.50    9+ items 2nd Day Air $15.00

Regular Shipping 9+ items  FREE

                    FOR NEXT DAY AIR RATES, PLEASE CALL!

                   Our TOLL FREE number for ORDERING ONLY


                          E-mail: [email protected]

