For the Week of March 2, 1998

The following playlist is for one (1) week of ECHOES programming (5 days, 2
hours per day).  Your local station may run only certain segments or one
day of programming from this week's list especially if you hear Echoes on a
weekend. Your station may also reverse the hours of Echoes, so that half
hours 3&4 become 1&2.

                 *******HIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK ON ECHOES*******

                           Monday, March 2, 1998

                         Wednesday, March 4, 1998

                          Thursday, March 5, 1998

                           Friday, March 6, 1998


*denotes compilation

ARTIST                 SELECTION             RECORDING

             ID# 98-J07-00043 Monday, March 2, 1998 (Echoes X-2)

                       First Half Hour

Douglas Spotted Eagle  Sunlight in the Water Tenaya

Patrick O'Hearn        Patience My Friend    Metaphor

Delerium               Forgotten Worlds      Karma

Nightnoise             Do We                 The White Horse Sessions

Angels of Venice       Lionheart             Awake Inside a Dream

                       Second Half Hour


Aine Minogue           Exile                 Between the Worlds

Michael Hedges         Baal T'Shuvah         Oracle

Deuter                 Nirvana Road          Nirvana Road

Robert Fripp           Hope                  The Bridge Between

Magical Strings        Winter Into Spring    Echoes Living Room Concerts 3

                       Third Half Hour

Tangerine Dream        Reflections           Oasis

Clara Ponty            Glimpses of Paradise  Clara Ponty

Tim Farrell            Joyride to            Sky Dancer


Geist                  Great Ocean           Echoes Living Room Concert 3

Johnson & Dunning      CuChulainn's Last     Music of Celtic Legends


Peter Mergener         Touch the Guitar      The World of Prudence

                       Fourth Half Hour

Hiroki Okano           Cosmic Wind           The Ambient Eclipse

Iarla O'Lionard        Lament at Calvary     Seven Steps to Mercy

Thomas Newman          Prince Rupert's Drop  Oscar & Lucinda

Liz Story              Snowfall              A Winter's Solstice

Jeffrey Edge           Homeless, But Free    Homeless, But Free

Elfin Love Tribe       Crimson Morn          Fairie Tales


            ID# 98-J07-00044 Tuesday, March 3, 1998 (Echoes Z-4)

                       First Half Hour

Eric Tingstad &        Elysian Fields        Echoes Living Room Concerts

 Nancy Rumbel                                Volume 3

Declan Masterson       Spanish Point         Celtic Twilight IV

Incierto Insecto       Tierra Simple,        The Event Horizon Theta*

                       Tierra Plana

Annbjorg Lien          Cantabile             Prisme

A Produce              Native Pulse          Reflect Like a Mirror,

                                             Respond Like an Echo

Iarla O'Lionaird       Humming of the Bees   The Seven Steps to Mercy

                       Second Half Hour

Michael Hedges         Java Man              Sounds of Wood and Steel*

Loreena McKennitt      La Serenissma         The Book of Secrets

Air                    La Femme D'Argent     Moon Safari

William Coulter &      Simple Gifts/         Simple Gifts

 Barry Phillips        Lovely Love

Paul Winter            Dream Catcher         Canyon Lullaby

Ash Ra                 Midnight on Mars      Sunrain

                       Third Half Hour

Andrew White           Breda                 Heart of the Celtic Guitar

Bill Nelson            Thousand Fountain     Practically Wired


Jason Carter           The Silent Prayer     Kindred Spirits

Enya                   Shepherd Moons        Paint the Sky with Stars

Hiroki Okano           Cosmic Wind           The Ambient Eclipse*

Richard Bone           Electropica           Electropica

                       Fourth Half Hour

John Fahey             Tuff                  The Ephiphany

                                             of Glen Jones

Stellamara             Zephyrus              Star of the Sea

Tim Farrell            Joyride to Tranquility  Sky Dancer

Brian Eno              From the Same Hill    Music for Films

Bekki Williams         River of Night's      Shadow of the Wind


Ashley/Story           The Staggers          Drop


              ID# 98-J07-00045 Wednesday, March 4, 1997 (X-10)

                       First Half Hour

Nana Simopoulos        White Bird            Gaia's Dream

David Pritchard        Stairs                Just One Look

Ry Cooder              End Title             The End of Violence

Aine Minogue           Gabhaim Molta Bride   Circle of the Sun

Bang on a Can          1/1                   Music for Airports

                       Second Half Hour

                       Feature: Steven Cragg

Steven Cragg           Summerstreams         Discovery

Liz Story              Captain April         17 Seconds to Anywhere

Helen O'Hara           Ceide                 Southern Hearts

Ryuichi Sakamoto       Grief                 Discord: Untitled 01

                       Third Half Hour

Uman                   The White Spirit      Purple Passage

William Lopez          Maine Song            The Journey

Pilgrimage             Ceremony              9 Songs of Ecstasy

R Carlos Nakai         Silver Salmon Bear    Mythic Dreamer

Syndrone               Beneath the Surface   Blind Date

Ar Rahman              Missing               Vande Mataram

                       Fourth Half Hour

Will Ackerman          Unconditional         Sound of Wind Driven Rain

Jamshied Sharifi       Ammeh Kimia           A Prayer for the

                                             Soul of Layla

George Winston         Moon                  Echoes Living Room

                                             Concerts Volume 3

Mecca Bodega           The Isle of Cadapous  Hammered Dulcimer

Xumantra               Xumantra              Sacred Singing Metals


               ID# 98-J07-00046 Thursday, March 5, 1998 (Y-10)

                       First Half Hour

Vangelis               Elsewhere             Direct

Jamshied Sharifi       Anahita Will          A Prayer for the Soul

                       Sustain You           of Layla

Robert Rich            Rites of the          Echoes Living Room

                       Bronze Age            Concerts volume 3

Mary McLaughlin/       Media Vita            Celtic Requiem

 William Coulter

Mehmet Ergin           Sema                  Beyond the Seven Hills

                       Second Half Hour

Anthony Phillips/      Slow Boat to China    Time and Tide

 Joji Hirota

Madredeus              Haja O Que Houver     O Paraiso

Steve Erquiaga         If Dreams Could Dance Cafe Paradiso

Deep Forest            La Lune se Bat        Comparsa

                       avec les Etoiles

Optical Image          Sequences             Another Treasure Point

David Mingue Liang     Chaarlindaal          Dreams of Genghis Khan

                       Third Half Hour

Phil Thornton          Phoenix               Fire Queen

Peter Ratzenbeck       Dolphin's Dance       Travelogue

Peter Kater/           If Men Were at Peace  Honorable Sky

 R Carlos Nakai

Mary Jane Lamond       E Horo                Suas E!

Erik Wollo             The Great White       Solstice

                       Fourth Half Hour

                       FEATURE: Paul Winter

Paul Winter            Canyon Chaconne       Canyon Lullaby

Art Turner             Story Water           Story Water

Alpha Wave Movement    Dusk Descending       The Edge of Infinity

Liquid Didj            Moonlight Didj        Submerged


                ID# 98-J07-00047 Friday, March 6, 1998 (Z-10)

                       First Half Hour

Elizabeth Rhodes       Unspoken Touch        Unspoken Touch

One Alternative        Siena                 Echoes Living Room

                                             Concerts volume 3

Virginia Astley        With My Eyes Open     From Gardens Where We

                       I'm Dreaming          Feel Secure

A Produce              Clear Pools           Reflect Like a Mirror

                                             Respond Like an Echo

John Whelan            The Heather in Winter Flirting with the Edge

Reorient               Child of the          Indian World Music Fusion

                       Emerald Air

                       Second Half Hour

Tim Farrell            Polychrome Pass       Sky Dancer

Happy Rhodes           Save Our Souls        The Keep

Tino Izzo              Vent d'Est            Foreign Skies

Andrew York            Muir Woods            Masters of Acoustic Guitar*

Michael Stearns        Crystal Canyon        The Lost World

Chicane                Early                 Far from the Maddening Crowds

                       Third Half Hour

Burkhard Schmidl       Gemini                Zodiac Symphony

Deuter                 Alchemy               Cicada

Stellamara             Maris                 Star of the Sea

Meg Bowles             The Fire Sower        Blue Cosmos

Mo Boma                The Kindness of Women Myths of the Near Future 1

                       Fourth Half Hour


Artist                 Title                 Original Album

Caryn Lin              The Call              Honour the Rain

Caryn Lin              The Little King       Tolerance for Ambiguity

Caryn Lin              In the Abbey of       Tolerance for Ambiguity


Copyright 1998 Pennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc.


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