Echoes Playlist
Our CD of the Month for May comes from longtime Echoes favorites, Vas. Their latest album, FEAST OF SILENCE is their first in four years and shows them creating a more lush global sound topped by the incantations of Azam Ali. A FEAST OF SILENCE might seem like an ironic title for an album that exults in searing melody and throbbing rhythm. It's our CD of the Month for May.

ID#04-J07-00091 Thursday, May 6, 2004 Echoes Program 0418D
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name More Info

First Half Hour
0:01:00 Phil Thornton Eagle Dream Dreamscapes
0:06:01 Vas Amrita Feast of Silence
0:12:02 John Lakveet Appelatio (Call) Building Sequential Stones Vol.1 More info
0:21:05 Lanterna Seasons Highways
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour
0:30:01 Ian Boddy Chiasmata Chiasmata
0:49:08 Steve Tibbetts Drawing Down the Moon Exploded View
0:53:39 Vas Moksha Feast of Silence
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Stephen DeRuby Ascension Sacred Spaces
0:06:01 Vas Mandara Feast of Silence
0:12:21 Karunesh For the Joy of It All Call of the Mystic
0:18:33 Magical Strings Where Dragons Dance Where Dragons Dance
0:21:48 John McLaughlin Peace One My Goals Beyond  
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:01 Vas Kali Basa Feast of Silence
0:36:39 Luis Perez Distant Voices Tales of Astral Travelers
0:43:00 break
0:43:30 Ian Melrose Huntington's Castle A Scottish Legacy
0:46:21 Mary Youngblood Sacred Place Feed the Fire
0:51:14 Vas In Our Faith Feast of Silence
0:58:25 close

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