Echoes Playlist

On Earth Day 2004, Echoes presents artists making music drawn from nature. From the wind whistling across a reed or a musician beating drums to the rising sun, nature has always been integral to music. We celebrate that relationship on this Earth Day 2004. We'll hear from artists like Paul Winter, Samite of Uganda, the Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart, The Soundings of the Planet Ensemble, Bernie Krause and Robert Rich, the Grooved Whales of Lisa Walker and many more. The sound of the planet lives on in an Echoes Soundscape on Earth Day 2004.

ID#04-J07-00081 Thursday, April 22, 2004 Echoes Program 0416D
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name More Info

First Half Hour
0:01:00 Deuter Pradera Earth Blue
0:06:01 Philip Aaberg Before Barbed Wire Live from Montana
0:10:31 Kitaro Earth in Bloom Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai
0:18:15 William Eaton Ensemble (live) Dream Garden Lullaby Sparks and Embers
0:23:48 Paul Winter Under the Sun Earth Voices of a Planet
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour
0:30:01 Michael Gettel Whalesone San Juan Suite
0:36:24 Ishq Fluid Earth Orchid  
0:54:16 R. Carlos Nakai Alpine Dawn Sanctuary
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Uttara-Kuru Wings of the Eagle Samurai Collection (v/a)*
0:06:01 Jalan Jalan Sekar-The Spirit of the Plants Bali Dua
0:11:59 Nigel Shaw Hallowed Earth Requiem: Well of Souls More info
  Earth Trybe Heart of the Forest Rhythm of the Earth
0:25:51 Shastro Secret Garden Shambala
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:01 Lanterna Canyons Highways
0:34:31 John Huling Wolf Creek Pass Ancestral Waters  
0:40:22 Braden McDonald 6th Day Creation More info
0:46:52 Adham Shaikh Orcadrift Essence  
0:58:25 close

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