Echoes Playlist

Echoes ID#03-J07-00200 Echoes Program 41W
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name more info

First Half Hour
0:01:00 Philip Glass Etude #2 Etudes for Piano vol 1
0:06:01 Mark Nelson Si Bhean Locha Lein/Samhradh Samhradh The Water is Wide
0:10:02 Suvarna Nanak's Song This Dewdrop World
0:19:44 Jeff Greinke Flight Weather from Another Planet
0:25:55 Paul Kelly Air Buzz
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour
0:30:01 Rhonda Larson Santa Maria Distant Mirrors
0:32:57 Peter Ostroushko Heart of the Heartland Lewis and Clark (soundtrack)  
0:36:18 Sheldon Sands Train to Acco Dead Sea Strolls
0:41:34 Marina Belica Early Morning One Sky
0:45:52 break
0:46:22 Shakatura Midheaven Galactivation
0:52:52 Scott Long Leaving the Familiar Reaching Calm  
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Paul Winter Yabu Journey with the Sun
0:06:01 Paul Rogers Cynthia's Place Sounds of Wood and Steel 3 (v/a)*
0:10:06 Bill Frisell Boubacar The Intercontinentals
0:16:04 John Wubbenhorst Continuous Celebration Facing Beloved
0:22:33 Mueller/Feldbauer L'Alternative Electro Autorama  
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:01 David Pritchard Pattern 6 Velocity
0:35:41 State of Grace Et Misericordia Turning to Peace
0:39:45 David Patterson White Summer/Black Mountainside Guitar Harvest (v/a)*
0:47:55 break
0:48:26 Baka Beyond Braighe Locheil East to West
0:53:57 Barry Cleveland Makanda Volcano  
0:58:25 close

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