Echoes Playlist
Join us in the 800 year old farmhouse of Nigel Shaw and his wife, Carolyn Hillyer when they take us back in time to the ancient music of the Northernlands. Shaw's latest album is Ancestors (Seventh Wave) on which he adapts recordings of northern native tribes like the Sami and builds his own compositions around them. Accompanied by these old, and often long dead voices singing ancient songs, Nigel and Carolyn play live with Nigel on Native flute and Carolyn singing and playing percussion.

ID#03-J07-00169 Echoes Program 35V
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name More Info

   First Half Hour
0:01:00 Simon Cooper Sunset Prophecy Solar World  
0:06:00 Pat Metheny Ferry Across the Mersey One Quiet Night
0:09:43 Kevin Locke Waniya Midnight Strong Heart
0:12:55 Erik Wollo Glowing The Polar Drones  
0:17:20 Rasa Ar Koto Kai Shelter
0:25:08 Robert Fox Hot Whore Underworld
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour
0:30:01 Kevin Bartlett Across My Heart Near Life Experience
0:37:23 Sumner McKane December Air Streams More info
0:41:45 David Arkenstone Shadows in the Mist Spirit of Ireland
0:46:58 break
0:47:28 AES Dana Dew Season 5  
0:53:19 Acoustic Eidolon Embers Beyond Words
0:55:20 Acoustic Eidolon Fire Dance Beyond Words
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Randy Armstrong Tribute II No Regrets
0:06:01 Al Jewer & Andy Mitran Horse at Breath Two Trees
0:13:09 Jonn Serrie Goldstone The Stargazer's Journey  
0:21:24 Mike Oldfield Harmonics Tubular Bells 2003
0:26:36 Mike Oldfield Peace Tubular Bells 2003
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour

Nigel Shaw Living Room Concert
0:30:01 Nigel Shaw (Live) Fishers On The lake Ancestors more info
0:30:01 Nigel Shaw (Live) Dark Drum Ancestors more info
0:30:01 Nigel Shaw (live) Two Rivers Dartmoor Journey more info
0:58:25 close

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